Small Things That Could Improve Your Relationship

in #love8 years ago

I'm not going to pretend to be a relationship counselor. In fact I've never even been to one so I can't copy things they would say. I do know that these small things saved my relationship with Daniel a few times and strengthened it, so this article is only based on experience.

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The small things you do in your relationship are probably the most important. I'm going to list a few with a brief explanation of what I mean. They do not range from the most important to well I can skip this because all put together will make it work.

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Put Their Needs Above Your Wants
This might seem like a big one, but it's not really. Their needs could simply be a hug or a cuddle after a long, hard day. It will take almost no time out of your day but most importantly it will show them you care and that you love them. You know what they say, actions speak louder than words.

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Be Affectionate
In the beginning Daniel didn't like PDA's. Soon he realized that I'm an affectionate person and started showing affection in public places. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying have a full blown make out session in public, but holding hands or each other with an occasional hug or kiss won't kill anyone. It shows the person you are with that you are not ashamed to be seen with them. Another small act of love that will strengthen the relationship.

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Never Make Fights Personal
All couples get into fights sometimes. They key is to never make it personal, meaning: Never call each other names, never climb into their character, always treat each other with respect. If you need to say something, take your time and think before you speak. Hurting someone because you are grumpy or had a bad day or had a misunderstanding is never okay. It is always better to have an argument in whispers than it is to scream. (Also never fight in the bedroom)

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Communicate Your Feelings
I don't know about you but Daniel and I always get into fights because of this. Not because we do it but because we keep it quiet when the other does something that annoys them. We let that annoyance fester to the point where it blows out in a full blown fight. Communicate how you feel and what you understand or feel about how they feel. This way fights about miscommunication can be avoided.

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Have fun
I know how easy it is to fall into a pattern with your partner. After a while things get boring and you might start getting bored with them. An easy solution is to have fun together. This means to have random tickle wars, dance together in the kitchen/ bedroom/ lounge without music. Go on spontaneous adventures. Maybe even pinch your beloved's bum in public and make them jump. Small little acts of childish fun is never a bad thing.

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Small Acts Of Kindness
Everyone loves to get spoiled sometimes. Small things like making your beloved breakfast in bed while they sleep in, bringing them coffee on a cold night without them asking, washing the dishes for them or even cooking for them before they come home is a fantastic way to show someone you love them. It is special and will make them happy.

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Do Chores Together
I don't know about many of you but I'm the kind of person who likes things done a certain way. However even I appreciate help sometimes. When your partner is doing the dishes, help them even if you just rinse and keep them company. Same with pretty much any other chore that needs to be done. Doing chores together makes them seem less chore like, it will help with both your moods and just bring love into your home. The key to happiness is after all serving others.

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Random Hugs From Behind
Who doesn't like hugs? Especially unexpected ones? Hugging the person you love from behind just lets them know that you need them and love them. When in a relationship everyone involved needs to feel loved and needed even if it is just for the small things.

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Shower Together
Showering is probably the time people like to be alone the most. However showering with your partner brings you closer. I'm not talking about sexy shower time. It's more like you wash their back and they wash yours. It's a way to show them that you have their back no matter what. You are also very exposed in the shower so it also shows trust.

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Designate Cuddle Time
Lives are busy but holding your partner close and telling them you love them is important. Set 10 mins of your morning aside just to hold them and tell them you love them. Time goes by too fast to have any regrets.

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Be Romantic
Men, ladies love romantic gestures even after you are married. Ladies, it won't hurt to do the same for your man. I'm not saying go big with flowers etc. but leaving small notes on their coffee cup or on their pillow just reminding them how you feel about them is a way to keep those butterflies going for years.



Yes, a small thing have a possibility to be extended. Enjoyed. I'll visit again. Followered. STEEM ON!!

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