Listening to books with Kindle App / 本を聴く

in #lifehack4 years ago


(Japanese follows / 日本語は下に)

Two weeks ago I tried caffeine withdrawal. Though I am a good sleeper, I started wondering anything else I can do to improve my sleep. Obviously I should not surf internet and read books on my iPhone before going to bed.

But I want to read books. Paper ones are good for my eyes but heavy and occupy space. Moreover Japanese paper books are not easily available in Germany. Buying Kindle Paperwhite is an option but I do not want to own one more device.

Then I remembered one of my nomad friends was listening books. I did free trial on Amazon Audible and liked it. Not only before going to bed, I can read (listen to) a book while I'm walking, maintaining house, cooking, knitting etc. I can use my time more effectively!

Here comes but. Amazon Audible is quite expensive for me. $15 monthly fee and audio books cost as much as paper books. Some times more. Kindle books are away cheaper. Another difficulty is that I can not easily look back or bookmark a part I am interested in.

Around the same time I got to know that Kindle app has a Text-to-Speech function by coincidence. This worked better for me. Some asked me about the machine voice. It's not natural but for me it is practically OK. There are few inconveniences. Kindle app stops reading when there is an image between text or when I close the app. But with text + audio, I can quickly see the screen when I want to read a part carefully and bookmark it. This is for sure better than audio books.

I'm satisfied with the solution and happy that I can read more books in my life with audio :)

少し前にカフェイン断ちをしていて、せっかくカフェインを断つならよく眠れるかなと、他にもよく眠れるようにできることを考えてみました。明らかに寝る前のスマートフォンはダメですね w

でも本は読みたい。紙のものがあればいいけれど、ドイツでは手に入らず、帰国するときに持ってくるのは重いし、帰国するまでは待てないしでKindleで読んでいました。Kindle Paperwhiteを買を買ってもいいのですが、ものは増やしたくない。


Amazon Audible(あまり現実的ではない)

ノマドなお友達が本を聴いていたことを思い出し、サービスを調べてみると、AmazonのAudibleで「最初の1冊は無料」とのことで、以前から読みたかった『スタンフォード式 最高の睡眠』で試してみました。


さらに、Audible、高いです。定額制かと思っていたら、月々の会費がかかって、さらに本代がかかる仕組みです。『スタンフォード式 最高の睡眠』はKindle版だと649円で、Audible版はAmazon Audibleの会員だと1500円、会員でないと3000円です。Amazon Audibleの会費は月1500円。








ちなみに今読んでいる本は、かのMt. Goxのマルク・カルプレス著『仮想通貨 3.0』です。業界を長く見て来た人の目で2019年までの歴史を振り返ることができ、さらに年初に@yo-yoさんのおすすめで読んだ『デジタルゴールド』と交差する部分があってとてもおもしろいです。読み終わったら書評を書きたいと思います。


I listen to podcasts while doing things (though I'm months behind there). And to help me fall asleep, I have a Sudoku App. That's just boring enough that it works ;)

Sometimes I run out of my podcast stocks after hours of knitting (you may know 😁) ... Sudoku is a good option. For me I should use my German text books ...... no no German language isn't boring 😉

Same thing: just enough to keep your brain occupied and thus stop all the thoughts going around in your head- and not interesting enough to keep you awake.

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