My quest to a quiet peaceful mind ~ walking & hiking mentally through the universe

in #life8 years ago

Welcome to a start of my writing & blog here. Please enjoy your visit...

When I was young I used to go out in the woods by myself to get away and be at peace. Not sure exactly why. But it seems I have always had a greater appreciation of nature than life in today's society.

Growing up I joined the Boy Scouts where I had the opportunity to go camping & hiking many times. Hiking as a leader making sure everyone was okay and hiking right along having fun. Some times not so much hiking but walks such as the Walk for Hunger which is a 20 mile walk to raise money (by the mile) for hungry people. Some years I had my back pack and carried another scout on my back. Not sure if it was for their laziness, me being nice, a way to get more exercise.

Many camping trips learning about the great outdoors as called sometimes. Earning merit badges and teaching others so that they live better lives and help others live better lives as well. Seeing many animals in the wild is always fun. Almost stepping on a skunk three times in life is fun too. Only because I somehow managed to not step on one of them or get sprayed. May be a sign of my gentle spirit that love the gentle of nature that exists is such love of harmony.

After graduating high school I went to the mountains where I found a place to stay & work. Place I worked at was in the food industry so I got to eat for free which proved of great value! Loved going hiking on my days off.
One day I thought I would do my laundry after work after midnight should be a good time. I was wrong. There was a waiting line at midnight at the laundromat! Didn't occur to me all the hiker's would be there. Guess it makes sense now looking back. So just talked to some of the hikers while waiting to do my laundry. Always all sorts of different people to meet in such walks of life!

Fast forward to two years ago when I went away from most of home, society, work, and family. This led me to the summer of last year when I would go to a library some days and some times stop at stores to get some food. But mostly spent time in the forests which is so great for the mind, body, and soul! many people complimented me on this energy of mine.

Loved the feeling of hiking into the woods to find and make a place to sleep for the night. The waking up around sunrise in the middle of the woods without any complications of society, other people, or having to go to work. I didn't have any bills topay as I had gotten rid of those too for the time being. Just would hike to a park somewhere to fill up my water bottles because I needed water to drink. Can't always trust water sources out there as they may be polluted these days since man had arrived to many parts of the world bringing their pollution with them. Could have had some form of water cleaning system but didn't go that route this time.

Later last year I was contacted by a very dear friend of mine. She thought I should come back out of the woods I guess. Well I did come out at times. Many days going to a library and using my laptop. I continued to read and research things as I love to learn. Even found websites that provided information to finding trees that beared fruit! Or dumpsters with good food finds. So at times I used alternate methods of finding food when I didn't mange to find enough fruit and stuff around.

After talking with my friend I helped them with some things in their life and business. We came to an idea I would come stay and find a place. So I had planned on doing this and I was already packed up! Met up with her and went for a ride over to another state where stayed for a few days looking for a place and ways to generate income.
Also had some great conversations on life and philosophy. For example one evening we had a deep discussion that led to thoughts about if a table was living or not. Not living like life as we know it and are told. But life from the life perspective from the table. Such conversation proved to be quite interesting!

Then a few days later my mind was blank or something. My mind had no recollection of a few days and had apparently reached a point of quiet that I have searched for my whole life! I wasn't feeling well and had gone to lie down. Then I woke up days later in a hospital!

... to be continued ...

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