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RE: Fake News - A Crazy German Proposal and Why We Need Censorship Resistance

in #life8 years ago

I will preface my reply / suggestion that I am a law abiding citizen, and not much of an activist. (that's my wife's job ;-)) So I don't go to protest marches chanting in the street.
I also don't advocate violence as a means to an end.

One thing governments around the world just don't understand about social media, the interweb and the way it is used, is that it enables people to connect instantly, come up with a plan and execute it ON-THE-FLY.

Fed up with censorship? Get your mates, their mates, everyone you can connect to, to get a can of spray paint, go to a government facility (that is not secured) and write the words Censor this! on it.


Do it again the next day, and the next, different days different targets, different methodologies, different people.

Start writing your posts in spray paint - bring this material they want banned into the real world - ten feet high.

Then you will see governments shit bricks. Because this could be truly decentralized, uncontrolled activism. No leaders, no-one to vilify, no-one to lock up, no country to invade, no way to shut it down without shutting the whole of the internet down.

Those of us who work in the digital space tend to be agile, flexible, creative. As soon as the dinosaurs in parliament shut one avenue five more are opened. And that is even without going to the ballot box.

Someone, somewhere needs to have a quiet word with those trying to shut down our ability to communicate freely, and show them this scenario.

Once the touch paper is lit and we have retired ten paces, there is no going back. Their control over what we read / watch and how we communicate will be lost forever. All trust will be lost forever. what they saw will be classed as irrelevant by an international population that had just stopped listening to them.

I'm old and I can see this. Young people will take to this concept of ignoring government like ducks to water.

How do you govern when no-one listening?


Great points and very true. I think a change is coming sooner or later.

We live in interesting times. ;-)

Yes and I hope that things do change it is too depressing otherwise as it seems we are creeping closer to 1984 all the time.

Yes, I know what you mean.
I think 2017 will be a revolutionary year in many ways.
It will be the start of many things.

But I don't think the world will sit up and take notice until about 2020.
Things take time.

But I think 2020 is when the world will make a decision about which path to take.

And the problem with choosing the path to freedom is that to get on the path you usually have to go to war for it. (for an abstract meaning of the word war. not just guns and bombs and killing)

My biggest concern is that the world will choose stability - chains, over instability and freedom.

Yes. Let's see what happens and hopefully people make the right choice.

You have great vision, but sadly I think things will have to become far more dystopian before enough people join in.

Sadly, you are probably right.

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