As Americans Riot Over a Football Game, Tens of Thousands March for Freedom in Romania

in #life7 years ago

Philadelphia, PA — Last night, thousands of impassioned citizens took to the streets of Philadelphia to take a stand for what they believe in. Ten of thousands gathered — many of whom clashed with police to stand up for their cause — NFL Football.

To celebrate their team winning, the "joyous football fans" mercilessly laid waste to everything around them. They were seen stomping on the awning of the Ritz Carlton until it collapsed.

The revelers were also caught on video destroying cars, looting, and clashing with cops.

In the name of football, fires were set, local businesses destroyed and it was all because a football team won a game.

Had these citizens, been at the wildlife refuge in Oregon to protest BLM land grabs, they would have been called terrorists. Had they been in Ferguson, Missouri to protest police killings, they would have been called thugs. Instead, these inebriated individuals who started fires, assaulted cops, literally ate feces, and caused other people injuries — are called "joyous football fans" by American media.

It is this tendency of Americans to shun those who stand up for a cause and the glorification of insignificant bread and circus events—that almost guarantees tyranny.

If we compare America's view on protesting with that of Romania, however, we find the opposite.

In Romania's capital of Bucharest, braving heavy snow and stormtrooper riot police, tens of thousands of people rallied—not for football—but for freedom.

The protests were organized in response to the socialist government of Romania passing new legislation that protects criminal politicians.

The new law would no longer punish abuse-of-office offenses in which the financial damage is less than 200,000 euros, or about $240,000. It essentially legalizes corruption. Naturally, Romanians are upset.

According to reports, an estimated 50,000 freedom-loving anti-corruption activists marched from University Square on to the parliament building to demand the immediate withdraw of this legislation.

"I came here to live in a free country that is not full of corrupt people," Puica Marinescu, a protester, told Al Jazeera. "I want these assassins and mafia people who confiscated the revolution to leave the country."

Another protester, Alexandra, said: "I come here because we want to correct politicians and justice in Romania."

Outside of Bucharest, similar protests occurred in the smaller cities of Cluj, Timisoara, Constanta, Bacau, Sibiu and Iasi.

Conversely, in America, "joyous football fans" take selfies on train tracks to celebrate their team's win.

As the Free Thought Project previously reported, Romania is no stranger to protesting to keep their liberty. Last year, a similar bill which legalized corruption was also passed.

The grassroots protests against that bill started with roughly 12,000 Romanian protesters taking to the streets outside the government building in the capital on a Tuesday, and quickly climbed to well over 250,000 by the following Friday.

The result of the massive peaceful protest was a win for freedom as the quarter million individuals outside the parliament building forced the government to withdraw the legislation.

"I do not want to divide Romania. It can't be divided in two," Prime Minister—at the time—Sorin Grindeanu said in a televised statement. “We’ll hold an extraordinary meeting on Sunday to repeal the decree, withdraw, cancel it … and find a legal way to make sure it does not take effect.”

When people take to the streets to protest actual tyrannical legislation, instead of the puppets who pass it or irrelevant outcomes of sporting events, things change.

However, many Americans—distracted with their football and 24-hour divisive news cycle—seem to be entirely okay with the PATRIOT Act, FISA, unlimited spying, legal bribery (lobbying) and rampant militarism. The chances of 250,000 patriots taking to the streets to protest warrantless spying on citizens and overt corruption is a mere pipe dream. Rest assured that this is by design.

Case in point.

"..Petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult."

― George Orwell, 1984

nice post.......... miss help me in contest

Wicked men are advancing from bad to worse that is why corruption abound, we need God's intervention to end corruption for us to enjoy freedom

I share your pont of view, the human been is anti corruption in their DNA, I love your tittle, but I don't know is it is a fact nowadays, the political situation in the world is complicated. I'm from Venezuela, and I don't understand many things, because in the common sense there are impossible.

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