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RE: Ban Men

in #life7 years ago

I gave you a full upvote even though I strongly disagree with your opinion. As I said over chat yesterday, and I am actually going to copy paste:

Men are NOT trash. Society is trash. Society MAKES men trash. All men have mothers. Do their mother teach them to disrespect women? No. Society does as a whole.

If you want to replay the discussion from last night here in the comments: I will happily participate.

Also, I wonder if @sean-king has mention notification. #trolololo


As I wrote you last night, society being trash and men being trash are not mutually exclusive, a point you actually make by saying "society MAKES men trash." If society makes men trash, then we're trash. Is it our fault? Collectively? no. Individually? of course.

But this is not about fault. It's about how things are. And how things are is that every day a find out about another prominent dude being terrible in ways that are specific to being a dude (and also men and women being terrible in ways which aren't gender specific). I was a huge fan of Al Franken's. For many years. In fact, of the 9 men I picked for my graphic there, 5 are men I have been a fan of. It is disheartening and upsetting. And really, that's what this post is: An expression of anger.

I accept that. There are things and perceptions held by members of my gender that piss me off just as much. Sorry for the womansplaining. :)

Lena Dunham comes to mind.

I do agree. and i think everyone has the opportunity to rise above society. In fact many mothers donteach their sons bad behaviors because the mothers engange and allow such things to exist in their lives. I know of love based on how i saw my mom interact with me . Thusly, i was afraid of penises until about 27. No matter how sweet the guy was. Lol! Its ridiculous to me now. Such a thing is merely esh and quite vulnerable too!

But ive exposed a very important secret so i digress. For me: Men are innocent until proven trash but get no passes for being asleep. Society fucks us all up. Its our job to move beyond that and to challenge ourselves and others everyday.

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