"Come on! Just one drink, I'm buying". - Thoughts on Going Alcohol Free

in #life8 years ago

There is something fundamentally wrong with a society that advocates and champions the things we do, or at least are perceived to and are influenced to, through the mainstream media. If going out is so fun, why do we need drink after drink in order to enjoy it? Have you asked someone why they drink when they're out, the answer is usually to 'escape' or because going out without alcohol is boring. How much of a quality entertainment can it be if it needs alcohol in order to be entertaining? If you find solace in these escapes then how are you living in between that makes you want to run away? Enough coffee during the week keeps you active enough to be a good worker bee and enough alcohol over the weekend keeps you numb enough to plough through the weekend with no constructive activity, while also funnelling your hard-earned cash right back into the system so as to be given it anew the following month as your pay check.

Questions like these are on my mind lately.

I now understand alcohol like this. There is a reason why they are called 'spirits'. Alcohol reduces your energetic forcefield enough that other spirits can enter your field. You've often heard stories of people behaving like entirely different people (sort of possessed) after one too many drinks or blacking out entirely and not remembering getting naked and dancing on a table. Let's create an analogy. Imagine you are an inner tube or a balloon. Then a beer is not an evil knife that pops you or slashes you but rather a tiny pin that pokes a whole in your energetic frame. With this tiny hole in you your energy begins to leak. People who are energetic vampires can then much more easily draw this energy out of you through this energetic hole. The more you drink, the lower your awareness becomes and the more easy it is to lose energy. Remember even a full tyre can be flat by morning from one hole.

I was also wondering why I crashed so hard the day after a night out, was it age? I couldn't 'keep up' with it any more? Maybe that's partly to do with it but another helpful analogy supplied this time by my good friend Jeeva String was this:
If you are doing spiritual practices, ritual cleanses, energy clearings, clean eating, meditating etc. then you are raising your vibration. You begin to lift upwards, you begin to float energetically etc. but conversely as now you are higher up, you have a much longer distance to crash down, hard. It doesn't hurt as much to fall from the floor to the floor but raise you a few metres and WHACK, you'll feel that for sure. The higher forces punish you harder for taking their universal gifts in vain.

I have a feeling the more I go down this spiritual path, the more the opposition will stack against me. People will become more generous with their buying of drinks for me, small holes to bring me back down to Earth and leak that helium that keeps one lifted. But I'm more aware now. Tell me, does a good friend say, "I respect your choice, I'll get you an apple juice" or does a good friend say, "Come on! Just one drink, I'm buying"?


I left alcohol behind 8 years ago. I've never missed it. It just didn't fit anymore. I suppose you are right, it wasn't corresponding to my higher vibrations. My drinking friends still operate from lower frequencies.

Congratulations! What have been some of the biggest turn-arounds since then? Yeah I think it's all about which level you want to play the game from.

It's amazing how much people will pressure you to drink in social settings, and act as if you are the one doing something wrong. I'm really glad that James Swanwick is promoting his "30-Day Alcohol-Free Challenge". He tries to prove to people that you can still go out with friends and have just as good a time with water and lemon than you can with shots and pitchers. Good for you not traveling down that path that the majority does.

Thanks man. Actually I did travel down that road for many years. That's why I had to put a stop to it. It no longer made sense to wilfully poison myself several nights a week every week for many years at a time.

Alcohol is a "devil" for your mind, body, relationships and should be totally banned ....I mean it ! I have never felt so great without any kind of substance and trust me, I know them all. I never liked alcohol and I specially do not like to be around drunks, either silly or aggressive people. I should write my own story what I think of alcoholics. It is a disease but with strong will curable. I look for higher frequencies !

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