17 Steps to Prosperity - Easy key lessons I've learnt to live by

in #life8 years ago

  1. Speak of things in your life only as you wish them to be. If things are not yet as good as you would like, choose only the best most positive details when recounting to yourself and others. This way you are still truthful and congruent and will feel so. That which you speak becomes what you see, so speak only of that which you want to see more of.

  2. Always deliver more in value than you ask for in money.

  3. Align your actions with that of the person you choose to become. How would they deal with your challenges?

  4. Always wait and intelligently respond rather than emotionally react.

  5. Dream and envision your presently becoming life beyond the realms and scope of reason, probability, rationality, logic and especially, the expectations and permissions of others.

  6. Love yourself unconditionally and also positively love money and all the good people do with it. You cannot hope to attract more riches and affluence by succumbing to damning statements such as, 'Money is the root of all evil'. 'Money is dirty' etc. You can feed many more mouths when you are rich rather than when you are poor, starting with your own.

  7. Allow information into your brain with the same discretion you allow food into your mouth. News is designed to make you sick and pessimistic, so is processed and chemical food.

  8. Study of and continual observation of disease and illness cannot lead to wellness just like deliberate thoughts and feelings of health cannot lead to disease.

  9. Actively help others get closer to their own dreams. There is more than enough for everyone. The competitive mind is egoistic. The contributing mind is intuitive.

  10. Spend money on frivolous things that make you happy regularly because it associates money with happiness. If you choose to save money, save it for a sunny day or a celebration never for rain or catastrophe as that is inviting them in and you will eventually manifest that rainy day which you so diligently, consistently saved for. The rich joyously spend money. The poor worryingly save it.

  11. Banish all negative language from your spoken word. Instead of 'I'm busy I can't do today' try 'I'm free tomorrow and would be happy to'. Instead of 'I can't do this skill', use 'I'm gradually but surely beginning to learn how to do this skill'. Instead of 'I have no money or not enough money', use 'the knowledge of attracting wealth is finding its way to me and I'm becoming more excited at the prospect of having more abundance in the future'.

  12. Keep a positive evidence book. Whenever something happens that makes you feel good or moves you closer to your goals write it down. Write not type on a computer. Soon you'll have a book full of positive things to remind yourself of on days when you're feeling down and by consistently focusing your mind on positive aspects, you draw more to you.

  13. Look for the good in people and they are sure to show it to you. Everyone is more of service to those who see their good rather than their bad.

  14. Reward people for things they do right rather than punish for things they did wrong. A weekly 'success meeting' yields far better returns than a 'what went wrong' meeting.

  15. The more faith and belief you have that something will work out a certain way and live in that feeling, the infinitely more likely it is to work out in that certain way, good or bad. Doubt and worry never solve anything. Free yourself from them entirely.

  16. You are fully responsible for your present life circumstances no matter what they are. You can change anything with enough directed thought.

  17. Prosperity can be as much as 98% prosperous thinking and as little as 2% prosperous action. When the mind is prosperous the smallest actions become intuitive and inspired and therefore hundreds of times more magnified and powerful. You'll simply have ideas that you will not have without the prior prosperous thinking and action taken from that place will yield far greater results.

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