Badass Uncle Buck.

in #life7 years ago (edited)
While in South Carolina I have heard a lot of family stories, but Uncle Buck is the one that really sticks out. Near the foot of my grandparent's bed are a couple rather old pictures. But the one that really catches the eye is dead center, in an ornate frame, featuring a man with ice blue eyes and a set jaw.

uncle buck.jpg

My second great uncle.

Just by looking at him, you can tell he is going to be an interesting dude. But I had no idea just how interesting he actually was.

Uncle Buck was a big ol' man. About 6 foot tall and stocky, visibly strong. My Granny's most vivid memory of him was watching him roll cigarettes. He would sit at the table, stoned faced, rolling and rolling... and rolling. Until he filled an entire coffee can, that he would put in the fridge, which is where they stayed. He would sneak her tiny drags off his smokes occasionally. She was very fond of him.

Great-great Uncle Buck was a military man, as you can tell by the picture. But he wasn't a paper pusher. No, sir. In fact, he parachuted over German enemy lines and took about 11 rounds of machine gun fire for the effort.

Granny vividly remembers the scars in almost single file from his ankle to his hip.

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Oh, but that wasn't enough for Buck. Buck got himself captured by the enemy and spent 18 months as a prisoner of war. As one could imagine, he didn't like to talk about that much. He told my granny only two things about it all. That the Germans really, really liked chocolate and took all of theirs, and that he once escaped.
He took an article of clothing from each allied force with him, so if he was found, no one would know EXACTLY who he belonged to. He also spoke perfect German. Goddamn brilliant. Sadly, he got recaptured, and the soldiers didn't know what to think of him.

So they kept him, just in case.

(He was eventually released by allied forces and returned home.)

Uncle Buck:

Granny told me her FAVORITE memory of Uncle Buck was when he would come home from drinking and stumble into the dark house. There was an icebox by the door. Now, under the ice box, was a tray that would catch all the water as the ice melted while cooling your food.
Every night, without fail, you could hear a crash, a splash, and then cussing all through the house as he meandered back to the bedroom.




"son of a bitch"


He stepped in it. Every. Single. Time.

I wish there were more stories about Uncle Buck, but sadly, the most interesting is about his death. While out drinking one night and playing cards, he was beaten to death. I mentioned that my second great uncle was big damn man, so it raised all kinds of questions about the kind of man that could have beaten him to death.

I mean, shit, a machine gun didn't do the job.

As it turns out, Buck was beaten to death by a professional boxer. I am not sure exactly how it went down but I picture an old time-y looking boxer or circus strong man, with a handlebar mustache, raising hell in a wild west saloon.
I can't speak for authenticity, but that is how I picture it.

Sadder still, is that justice was never served for Buck. Since the fatal fight happened between two drunks playing cards, police decided it was best to just let it lie. While he died in a hospital from sepsis.

The boxer had knocked him down and stomped him, causing his intestines to rip and fecal matter/bacteria to get into his bloodstream.

My Uncle Buck died as he lived, taking no shit from anyone except for himself.

Rock on, Uncle Buck, you crazy son of a bitch.

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fkc!! these die hard son of a B*83s ... my FATHER!! God bless him he was the only one laughing out loud with his mouth full open and eyes popping out at the cinema sometime in the 80s watching Conan-the barbarian' s scene where Arnold cuts a head off with his sword making it floats in mid air...that's just an idea of what i have to deal with lol...these guys sucked whiskey instead of milk

You dad sounds like a rip roaring good time!
And dude, you aren't kidding. Bunch of hard assed manly men!

yea, well...u forgot crazy, lol

Nuttier than squirrel shit in the spring?

nuttier lol

twss (that's what she said) lol am sorry i couldn't help but to say it :P ah ha made myself laugh tho.. XD

Wow, sounds like a tough s.o.b.

But why no pictures? They really help with Steemit posts in general, and would have really brought this one to life, and stopped me thinking of the Hollywood movie of the same name! :-)


Sadly, this is the only picture that she has of him. They said they will keep an eye out because somewhere they have the telegraphs from when he was captured and released, but I wasn't able to find them just yet.
Thank you for this feedback, though! I will keep this in my brain for my future posts!

Dang. Uncle Buck sounds like he was a beast!

Sucks that he survived all that just to be killed here at home. What a shame.

Of course, you hear stories of people surviving all kinds of stuff and going on to die of something like a common cold. It is insanity, really.

Indeed. I immediately thought of Chris Kyle as well.

Your freekin awesome @stitchybitch! Love your writing style! Glad I was in the late night chat and found out about you <3 :)

Thank you so much for checking me out (and the compliment!)! Hope you stick around! I like to have fun here!

Yeeeee girl! :D

Your uncle was truly a badass

He really, really was. Pretty cool to have a set of brass balls that big swinging in my family tree!

If inspiration is needed or when time asks for a big ballsy play, you now that you've got the badass in your blood ;D

Wow, he's an interesting guy. Nice story you wove of true life.

My favorite part is the multiple articles of clothing. Rock on Uncle Buck!

Smart as hell, right?

It reminds me of Christopher Walken and the watch in Pulp Fiction. I bet Uncle Buck would of done that for his son!

I am crying from laughing so hard!
And you know what? I bet you're right.

Interesting post, really nice story, yeap these kind of post are getting rere, thanks for sharing! #keepsteemin

I am glad to share this with others! And I an even more glad that you enjoyed it!
I try to keep things interestin' here!

Goood Blog.

Thank you, thank you! So glad you enjoyed it!

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