Attention TV & Movie Producers: Please Stop Re-Writing Male Parts for Women

in #life7 years ago

Instead of re-creating iconic male roles as female ones, why not write terrific ORIGINAL female characters? The fact that you can't seem to come up with anything new for women is, frankly, kind of insulting. 

The trend of re-casting traditionally iconic male roles with women (or the re-creation of those male characters as women) is a current big pet peeve of mine. Here's why, as I would put it to any TV insiders if I got a chance to talk to them about it.

 I consider myself a feminist. Maybe not a radical one, but you'll find me supporting women's causes, and speaking up for downtrodden women all over the world. I am ALL for female power. FEMALE POWER, YAY! And, I LOVE powerful female heroes on TV, in movies, in books, and other media. But, when you change male roles to female ones, you lose me....and, I suspect, a lot of other women, too.

You insist you are promoting the empowerment of women by giving formerly male roles to them, but, I promise, you're actually doing just the opposite. It alienates much of your original audience (women included), and basically tells us you are so creatively bankrupt when it comes to women that you have to re-appropriate male roles for them because you can't come up with anything decent that's original.

Please, hire some more female writers, if you have to keep looking to gender-swapping male roles to give us anything powerful and interesting to do on the screen. Your female writers will, I assure you, create some amazing ORIGINAL characters for you who will become just as iconic as the male characters you seem so eager to change in a lame effort to appease us.

It's like when J.J. Abrams made the new Sulu in the Star Trek re-boot gay, and George Takei (the original Sulu) was against it. Abrams was surprised, as Takei is gay, and he did it as an homage to Takei himself. He didn't understand what Takei understood, and what women all over the world are beginning to understand....the character was not originally conceived that way. 

To Takei, making Sulu gay was going against Gene Roddenberry's original vision for the show and its characters. He said he wanted more gay representation on the screen, but would have MUCH preferred if a NEW character who was already gay had been written for the re-boot. 

To Takei, making an original Star Trek character gay who was not originally gay just drew attention to the fact he was gay; it was almost like token casting. Takei wanted a gay character who had been that way from the start, so his or her sexuality would not be viewed as anything unusual or different, but just part of who that character was from the beginning....their identity. He asked Abrams to please not insult Gene Roddenberry, himself, or gay people everywhere by making an existing character gay, when the original was not. Abrams did it anyway, because he apparently really couldn't be creative enough to make an awesome new gay character.

I certainly didn't like it when Josh Whedon did this to Willow in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Since she was originally heterosexual, making her gay in Season Four just brought attention to her sexuality, when it should have been the least interesting thing about her. He could have brought in the character of Tara with an awesome and original gay partner to become allies of the Scooby Gang, and it would have been much more effective and representative of the gay community. (I still think Willow and Xander should have been a couple, by the way.)

It's the EXACT same thing with changing originally male roles to female.

It's already been a thing in comics for a while. And, it's annoying. We've had female versions of:

  • Spiderman
  • The Joker
  • Robin
  • Captain America

And, who knows who else. I don't really follow comics, except for when they come up in online conversations or articles.

On TV and in the movies, we've had:

  • The female Ghostbusters
  • The Master on Doctor Who (changed into the female Missy)
  • The Doctor on Doctor Who (the next one will be a woman....don't even get me started on how wrong that is)
  • The all-female Ocean's Eleven that's supposedly being made

There's also the all-female version of The Odd Couple, which is typically performed on stage. It's not a new thing, but still an example of unnecessary male-female cast flipping.

Those who say this gender-swapping of iconic roles is empowering for women are totally missing the point. They say, "Why can't women envision themselves in the hero role? These traditionally male hero roles should be made female to give girls and women a hero with which to identify and aspire to." 

To me, it's just saying, "We couldn't be bothered to invent a cool, heroic female character, so here, ladies, have these spare male roles. Imagine what it would be like for you if that guy was a woman. He's already heroic, so you can ride your female-ness to heroism on his previously established coattails."

Honestly, TV and movie producers and writers, don't do it. Use some creativity.

There are dozens, if not hundreds of iconic male roles in media of all kinds, and these characters were created as originals. Why can't you do we women the same courtesy and create amazing, incredible heroic female characters for us the same originals? 

Anything else is just insulting.

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amen! so glad to read your post, this is something that has frustrated me for years. Hopefully change is a good friend who is an actor is working on a movie who's case is 90% women including a woman written script, female director and producers and this in itself is great progress.

That's an excellent example of how things should be done. We can get more female representation in entertainment, without having to re-appropriate male roles to women (which, again, is insulting to women). There should be more of that kind of thing, with original female characters who are just as awesome as the already existing male characters. Not better than, but equal to.

We are now entering the twilight zone, where women are the ones losing the right to their identity as women. Your article brought to mind a pet peeve of mine, which goes quite a bit further than male roles being redesigned to fit women. We now have men assuming the identities of women in the form of transsexuals, and I don't think it will be very long before the big women stars in films will be transsexuals. At that time we will have male roles re-purposed as women's roles, being played by women who used to be men. In other words, we're going back to the era where all theatrical roles were played by men, including women's roles.

It is a sad, sad world that we live in, when women put up with this and don't say 'stop the nonsense'. Instead of fixating on sexuality, writers should fixating on writing stories worth watching / reading. I am certain the sex is there simply to hide the fact that there is no actual story line.

Good piece. I appreciate a woman standing up and saying women would be better served by creating real women heroes.

I'm so glad you liked the article, and thank you for your thoughtful comments on it. I agree with you so much. Women are losing our right to identify as women. I've seen it in comments on so many news articles. Those of us who are women and identify as women ONLY (and men who identify as men ONLY) are somehow seen as villains and oppressors. There are people out there who really hate those who identify with the sex they were born with, and nothing else.

There could be a time when women who want to be women and only women have to hide that opinion. Same thing for the men.

I would like everyone to be able to be who they know they are, without being insulted or viewed as evil for it. And, I would VERY much like there to be new, original female heroes. We don't NEED to take over male roles. I don't want us to. Let the men keep on being The Doctor, James Bond, and more, and make new, equally awesome (but entirely original) heroic characters for women. Why can't the entertainment industry seem to make that perfectly logical leap, and why are so many people okay with it, and even encouraging of it? I don't get it.

It may sound strange, but I think women are being pushed back, slowly but surely, into the role of breeders and nothing more. These masculinized women's roles reflect - to me at least - a fear of the fully empowered woman a la Wonder Woman. She can kick ass, but still be a woman. She can do what men do, and beat the crap out of them, and still be a woman. Too much of a threat in that.

I think we are regressing to ancient Greece and ancient Rome, where men sought out other men for pleasure, and women were relegated to the practical use of reproduction. I am sure you are familiar with hosenrolle in opera. Well, this is hosenrolle in reverse: roles designed for men to play, with plenty of time 'disguised' as someone of their own gender. The concept of 'woman' is being served up to men as men in drag, basically. Schade! Women go along with it because it's go along, or become obsolete. And, of course, there is all the brainwashing young women go through watching these things...

By the way, have you heard of the steemit group 'deepthink'? Maybe you would be interested. Check out the guidelines if you're interested.

I think you're right, sadly. This society. I just don't know. We're moving backward in so many ways, that's for sure. Sometimes, I feel like we must be living in an alternate universe, and I'd like to get back to my original one.

I'll check out the link. It sounds interesting. Thanks for the tip. :)

I think you are right in your point, but there's a bigger picture to be seen. When you say "you are so creatively bankrupt when it comes to women that you have to re-appropriate male roles for them because you can't come up with anything decent that's original", I would say, to most producers in Hollywood or TV, "you are so creatively bankrupt that you can't come up with anything decent that's original AT ALL". What you are pointing is just one aspect of this lack of originality.

You mention, for instance, the female Ghostbusters. The question is, why did they do Ghostbusters again? Ghostbusters already happened like 30 years ago and it was awesome, why are we doing it again? And why couldn't they come up with an original story? I'd prefer to watch a story about 4 women obsessed with the Ghostbusters who wanted to imitate them or follow their legacy, or something like that. But that remake, with or without women, should not have been done.

We are watching the same stories again and again. How many more James Bonds, Batmans, Supermans and Spidermans will we have to put up with? Poltergeist, Point Break, Jurassic Park, Mad Max, Independence day, Baywatch, The Mummy, IT... Not to mention sequels of stories that should have been left as stand alones, there will be a sequel of the Gremlins, for god's sake!

They just look for something that gives them a chance of a certain sell, instead of a whole different story which they don't know how the public will react to it. Before the 2000, I don't know, maybe there was something about the instruction of people in films that made them take the risk to tell what they wanted to tell. But now, they rather remake some story that was successfull in the past, "so why can't it be a hit now?". And now what "sells" is having female heroines, they are confronted now with a female audience that it's in fact more empowered and demands to be portrayed as heroines as well. And why would they make the effort of creating new female characters, with a whole century of characters that they can rehash? And with a female audience that will expeditiously buy it?

It's all a matter of demand and sale. We just have to stop buying.

That's something else I've been irritated about for ages. Why all the sequels? So many sequels. And remakes. You're absolutely right. How many freaking Spiderman remakes do we need? There are things that should definitely have been left ALONE. Another Gremlins? Oh, gods. No. Just no, no, no, no. It was fine as it was. We do NOT need another.

The entertainment industry has been creatively bankrupt for some time. I read somewhere that Hollywood now prefers to bank on projects they know have built-in audiences, which means either sequels/re-makes, or adaptations of novels with big readerships (as an author, I don't mind that so much ;) ). It's a matter of not wanting to risk money on things they don't know will do well, and of just not seeming to have any new ideas.

I still find it insulting that they keep re-doing traditionally male roles and giving them to women, and I would feel the same about giving traditionally female roles to men. If someone makes a Pride and Prejudice with the male and female roles reversed, I may have to hurt someone. Grrr. Doing ruin good roles by gender-swapping them. Make something new.

The economic and social forces at work these days make it so we can't have nice things. :<

There's that, too.

Overall, I agree with you except in two instances.

Missy is awesome. The character change works and is true to the Master character. Whether or not she's female doesn't matter, it's how well she oozes the frenemy vibe. Best. Master. Ever.

I'm not entirely for sure that the 13th female Doctor is the Doctor proper. My bet is that it's actually Jenny, his lost clone daughter, who will stand in the same way that Dick Grayson stood in as Batman for a bit. If you notice in the reveal, the Tardis gives her t's key. If she was the Doctor proper, then she'd already have it.

If it is Jenny, then it's very much a Dick Grayson as Batman kind of thing. Where an established, original character, is only holding the title. I'm cool with that.

I kept hoping Missy would turn out to be The awesome female Time Lord villain from the 1980's. I just didn't see the reason for making the Master a woman when we already had a terrific established female Time Lord baddie.

I liked John Simm's Master best. ;)

I would of liked John Simm's Master the best before Missy. I curious to see where the team-up goes. Has there ever been a "two-masters" episode before?

Was The Rani frenemy to the Doctor?

Yes, she was. She and The Master and The Doctor were all at the Time Lord academy together. She went rogue as a scientist, because she wanted to do experiments the Time Lords didn't sanction, rather than being purely psychopathic like The Master. She and the Doctor always tried to get on the same page when they met, but she didn't like anyone standing in the way of her morally questionable scientific research.

She was actually indirectly responsible for Doctor 6 regenerating into Doctor 7.

The season finale this year was the firs TV "two Masters" episode, though they did an audio-only one on the Big Finish CD stories.

Ok, I can absolutely see your point now. That would have been very interesting. Thanks for explaining it to me

My pleasure. :)

Hi @stephmckenzie . I will be following you. I'm a #feminist like you and enjoy some debate over this subject.

What is frustating to see that I came across a post here that said 'feminism stopping rational conversation' -sounds like that. I can give you the link if you want.

I also think people still think that 'equal pay' is the main objective who support feminism. Now that is shallow and needs to be corrected massively. Tq for people like you who stands for our right.

Thank you, @cikxaijen. The debate is about FAR more than equal pay. I'd love the link, if you'll post it. Thank you for the follow and the kind words.

Thanks. I'm going to have a look at it right now.

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