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RE: The Ocean's Gift

in #life6 years ago

Theres something so spiritual about the ocean. Ive always loved water, whether it be ocean, lakes or swimming pools. Theres something so relaxing and peaceful about the water. The ebb and flow, high and low tides. I have some pretty irrational fears, as I like to call them. Things that I have dreamt about. And in those dreams I was so scared of the outcome but I would always muster up the strength and fight my way through, always coming out on the winning side. One of the dreams that always scared me the most and it was also reoccurring, was being at a ocean front condo, with my mom, sisters and nieces. Mom and sisters went somewhere, seemed so sudden, they were just gone, leaving myself and my nieces who were somewhere in between 5-8. All of a sudden, looking into the vast openness of the ocean, very similar to the last picture here, there was a huge wave, a tsunami, coming right for us. Not your regular tsunami, this was only one big ass wave, as tall as the condo we were in. And it was up to me to save my nieces. I started having this dream when I was around 14 or 15. Now I could just let this fear take over me, and be afraid of something that normally brings me complete peace and happiness but instead I take it as a warning, nothing more, nothing less. Ive always tried to protect those girls. And I feel that the wave is simply representing life in general. To make it through life, you simply have to continue to live it to the fullest. To make it through that massive wave in my dream, we only had to ride it out. We held on to each other for dear life and just floated as the waters rushed under us and we made it through. When the water receded, out comes my momma and sister, like nothing had happened. When I told them of the wave and what we had just went through, they simply looked at me and told me Im much stronger than I think I am and they knew I would take care of the girls. Its something that has stuck with me since then, the dream still plays in my mind vivid and clear. I can still picture the walls of the condo and the look on my nieces faces. Its something I still think about as I sit on the beach, watching the waves and instead of being afraid, I smile because I know Ill always win. Thanks for sharing this with us @donna-metcalfe!


Wow, that is a seriously awesome dream! And what a message from it. Thank you for sharing it, I hope other people read it too and feel the strength and courage you describe, because I sure did!

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