How To Deal With Bad Times In Life - 5 Tips To Make You Feel Better

in #life8 years ago

Life is not always sweet. Sometimes, we find ourselves in a period of life where the days are a little darker, maybe we have a stressful Job, relationship, someone got hurt and so on. We've alll dealt with this.

So what can you do to make the best of the situation and help yourself to get out of that depressed zone?

Tip #1: 

Appreciate what you have.

When some things go wrong, take a moment to be thankful for all the things that are going right.

You might be in a bad situation right now, but not eveything in your life is bad.
You probably have a roof over your head, running water, electricity, and food in your fridge. Those are some things that 40% of the world's population doesn't have.

And it goes beyond basic things - do you have a family? enough money to get you through the day? Someone you can talk to?
Think about all the things that you are blessed with, and that you want to be grateful for.
If you want, write it down! Make yourself aware of it.
The list will probably end up being much longer than you think! 

This will help you compare your blessings to your current situation and realize that not everything is bad.

Tip #2:

Remember the good times and smile!

Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important. Capture the good times.

And if things don't work out, just take another shot.

This goes together with Tip #1.
Yes, I know that what you're going through is tough. I'm not saying you'll be cheerful if you only think of happy memories. But especially in dark times, it's very important not to lose your focus.

Right now, it might seem like your life as all dark and depressing. But it hasn't always been this way. And it won't always be this way.
Just because negativity has taken a major part of your life currently, doesn't mean that you should forget all about the happy phases in your life. The good times. The joyful memories.

This will remind you that life is constantly changing, good times come and good times go.
And in the same way, bad times come and bad times GO.

This too shall pass.

Additionally, just try to smile every so often! Even if you feel like crying - just do it. It will trick your brain into thinking that you're happy, and make you feel better.

Tip #3:

Everyday, give yourself 3 things to do. 3 Goals.

What keeps me going are my goals.

These could be incredibly simple - take a walk, take out the trash, take a shower, read a book, meet your friend.. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as you do something. This will help the time pass, and it will also make you feel like you've accomplished something and there is at least small progress.

Often when people are depressed, we tend to sit at home, do nothing, and get lost in our own dark thoughts. We just wait for the bad times to pass, but of course if you don't do anything, time passes much slower.

It's okay if you need to have a bad day, then spend one day in front of your TV crying and watching movies. But don't allow yourself this for longer than one day. You are in control of your life and of your own happiness.

So give yourself at least 3 things to do everyday, and make sure you complete them so you have a feeling of accomplishment everyday. Slowly but surely, you will start to feel better.

Tip #4:

Figure out what you can learn from this situation.

In every difficult situation is potential value.

Believe this, then begin looking for it.

It probably seems like your current situation is totally hopeless and there's nothing good about it. But most likely, you are wrong. You can always learn something from your bad situation.

You can learn from your actions so you don't make the same mistake again in the future, you can learn how you interacted with peple in this situation and  if you'd need to change that, you can learn from your current behaviour and think more positively to feel better, and you can always learn what to appreciate more when times are good.
These are just a few examples, depending on your situation, you can learn much more from it.

Tip #5:

Be busy. Give yourself something to do.

Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime,

And too sleepy to worry at night

This actually ties in with Tip #3: If you just sit around waiting for bad times to pass, you will get lost in your own depression. What you need to do is make yourself busy, give yourself something to do!

That could be meeting up with old friends, reading some interesting books, finding a new passion like cooking or painting, doing some exercise or learning a new skill / language.

Anything that keeps your mind off of your own depressed thoughts will help you move forward.

It has to be something you are really passionate about though, and you should set yourself very small goals each day which you can 100% accomplish. Because if you start something and then fail or stop, you could feel worse.

Do you have other tips to overcome bad times in life? Leave them in the comments!

Hope this Article is helpful for some of you Steemers. Feel free to share it and inspire others.
Keep wirting and posting articles, wish you all a nice weekend and successful week!

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© Sirwinchester


I smile a lot but don't want to I help others but all I get is bad luck, I suffer with depression and can't see the good things its sad but it's my live.

Bad Luck lies in the past - you decide how to live your present. You should never accept a bad life situation, you have to change it. And you have a right to change it!
You can do it if you keep at it and don't give up!! wish you a successful weekend :)

Thank you I do try but when your constantly knocked down you lose the energy to get back up

Im new to this and reading your posts are inspirational to myself and others, im know following you and look so much forward reading more, you have gave me a lift this morning you have a good day

I love tip number 5. It is so true. Keep busy, focused, and good things happen.

yes you're right (Y)

Your like a dancing literary sage. Enjoy every post and always look forward to what's next.... So what's next? Lol

who knows... ;)
thank you for your compliment!

this post will help a lot of people, I'm sure! thx for sharing!

thanks for your feedback :)

Really liked this post, makes some good points.

thanks for your feedback appreciate it

I always try to read to take my mind off of things.. it's really true, as long as you are busy you can cope with the negativity!

yes, definitely! You trick your brain and keep yourself away from the painful thoughts

I will share this with a co-worker who suffers from depression from time to time. great tips!

thank you, hope it helps him/her !

very informative posts and those tips can be very helpful. upvoted

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