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RE: The Moonshots: When Dreams Fail, Reality Disappoints, And The Opportunity To Recreate Bigger & Better Than Ever Beckons...

in #life7 years ago

Wow!!! This is not your 'vulnerable moment' it is an inspiring one for all the vulnerable souls.

Have you ever had that moment when you KNOW that there is this strong wave passing through your head and a second or so later you phone actually rings (mobile). I am saying that because, brain is able to 'perceive' the signal before it is detected by the hardware...So, yes, there are so many things that are not 'discovered' yet because we never dared ourselves into those lands.

Even if you succeed in fraction of what you Moonshot'ing for you would have helped humanity's leap into a different dimension.

May I humbly recommend you to check out Nicola Tesla's life-work as he had stumbled into accessing the 'wireless' portals for electricity, there may be some secrets lurking in that same space that may help you into this leap...again - I am a finance guy and what would I know about next century-shape-shifting-new dimensional inventions you are talking about - I really don't know - but I was compelled to share it...

Good luck to you and even if you distance from Steemit - it would be for the benefit of all of us eager souls - if you could just keep hinting us about your journey!!!


Almost shed a tear by the end of reading this. Truly appreciate.

Tesla has always been an inspiration, though I haven't dove too deep into all his work. The friend I've been learning from / working with is undoubtedly on par - t'is quite amazing witnessing such genius channel through such information.

For sure, I'll be sharing more on here related to all it - and making announcements as more becomes public... ;-)

Heartfelt wishes that you achieve all you are aiming and more!

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