Remote Viewing, Method of the CIA Psychic Spies Explained!

in #life6 years ago

I’ve been noticing a growing number of “Remote Viewing “ articles coming out lately. A lot of it seems to make claims on the ability of the viewers, that they can pick up detailed information on top secret projects, that they can kill people, that they can “see people doing things in remote places” etc. Having done quite a bit of remote viewing myself and studying with one of the members from the actual government program I thought I would chime in with my 2 cents on somewhat clarifying things.

First off we need to define what remove viewing is. Remote viewing is a technique that enables the participant to “perceive” a person, place or thing. Notice I put perceive in parenthesis, the Viewer part of the name is a bit of a misnomer. Although you can sometimes see visuals in your mind’s eye from time to time, what you are doing is more “feeling” of the target. An example of this could be that the target was a Volkswagen Beetle. The impressions that the Remote Viewer might get would be “hard, metallic, rounded, mechanical, maybe some colors, etc.”. Any visuals that you might get you usually discard in what they would call your analytical overlay category of your worksheet. So, the information you receive is not nearly as romantic as one might think.

How does it work? Remote viewing is basically structured autonomic writing. The concept works sort of like this, if someone asked you what is the capital of England immediately “London” would pop in your head. Now, what remote viewing does is it tries to trigger a similar response from your mind only not front loading the question to you. This means that the information is popping in your head without the reference and you try and use the info to figure out the target. The question is substituted with a “target reference number”. This is done by having the target in an envelope or the question at hand and assigning a number like 1234 to the contents of the envelope. Once the reference number is given to the remove viewer they write it on a piece of paper and produce what they call an ideogram. This is basically an impulse movement of the pen that appears to be a scribble but gives clues as to what the target is. If the target is something that is manmade you might get a 90 degree angle, if there are people you may get several loops in the scribble, etc. Then, the remote view tries to feel the target by going over different categories associated with the different senses (e.g. taste, touch, smell, hear, you get the picture) . As you spend more time going through the categories you can get more detailed information like dimensions an emotions but it mostly comes to you as I noted above, like “London”.

Having given you a tact idea of the mechanics of remote viewing lets discuss its potential uses. Can they kill you with it? There is a movie that came out a few years back called “the men that stare at goats” , this movie was based on another government program where they were trying to kill goats with concentrated thought waves. Some say it worked, others said it didn’t. In the end, why did they cancel the program and let the members of the top secret project talk about it? I doubt it. If someone is concentrated on something as negative as to kill something what do you think that would do to the person filling themselves with that sort of evil? The energy would return to them and they wouldn’t be too happy about it. The next thing to consider when you hear people talk about spying with this method is that you cannot perceive beyond your own experience. What I mean by this is if you were to ask someone from a hundred years ago to describe to you a circuit board having no frame of reference for what it is or can be used for. They wouldn’t know what to say. The same thing goes for trying to “spy” or “see” something that you haven’t perceived before. You are not going to be able to convey any information of value to anyone because your mind won’t know the words to give you.

Remote Viewing is fun to do, can give you some insights into certain events by collaborating with other viewers to validate your data but the information you get is very abstract (in most cases). I know that there are schematics on the internet from remote Viewers that look pretty impressive on simple targets but for the most part it’s hard to decipher. This was the reason that the government stopped the program. I’m sure if they had continued that they may have come up with better methods for deriving more detailed and accurate information but for now it’s not quite there yet.

Hope you all enjoyed the info, let me know what you think!

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