After Many Failed Attempts: It's Time to Give Up and Try Something Else

in #life6 years ago (edited)

"None of that weird shit," he said. "Something normal that won't scare the visitors."

I can do that!

Many Moons Ago

Yours truly, @NoNamesLeftToUse, began recruiting potential talent to join our vibrant community here.

A few normal people and a slew of successful business types were my targets.

I worked for a man long ago.  A rich man; drives a fast car.  Successful.  Five star hot shot downtown restaurant owner and chef.  Millionaire.  A local celebrity.  A man who's shit does not stink.

I said, "Hey, opportunity knocks.  You should hire a foodie blogger to snap photos and write about the wonderful dishes on your menu.  These posts could double as advertisements that actually pay you instead of costing you money.  I'm sure it would be a hit."

A combination of investor and high quality content producer would be a great benefit to this platform, I thought.

Of course, this was early on and I'm sure if he would have taken my advice, he would have been swimming in profits by now.

I tried again.

And again and again.

No dice, so recently, I tried again.

"That front page looks like a bulletin board above a urinal inside of a gas station men's room.  For the last time, I'm not interested."

Fair enough.  I get it and I've lost interest in explaining what's actually happening there; I understand why a business of that caliber wouldn't be interested at this point.

So I asked if he needed any artwork above his urinals.

His laughter was expected.

None of that weird shit, he said.  Something normal that won't scare the visitors.  Something simple, bright; none of those damn faces.

I was then sent a photograph and tasked with matching the color scheme of the decor.

This is what I came up with:

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Prototype.jpeg
The Prototype

My Explanation:

  • That's basically a combination of the blue urinal pucks, the dark red counter top, and the fake plant I saw.

  • Wet and drippy, to help men along with the urination process.

  • Everything together makes up a hidden extreme closeup of half of a clown face; because he said, "No faces," and I like to mess with people.

After much internalized debate,

I decided...

I don't want to be a bathroom decor artist anymore.  I don't care how nice that man's bathroom is.

If my work is to be synonymous with piss, I'll just shoot for the front page here.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
"No offense to those who don't produce piss. Just messing around. Relax."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


Had to laugh about the face because he said no faces XD

Can understand his sentiment as well, I would have not joined either if I actually looked at trending pages. I've been around socnets just long enough to know to check new as well as whatever tabs are available, and probably a good thing I joined when I did as there was a point where if I'd been thinking of joining on my own as opposed to joining a friend on here I probably wouldn't have.

I think you made the right decision in choosing not to be a bathroom decor artist anymore.

Once communities are implemented, maybe then. It would hurt his brand if a picture of corn on the cob was more popular and superficially earning more. Can't purchase views either. Getting caught doing things like that hurts reputation. That's like buying 5 star reviews and compliments. Huge no-no.

Wet and drippy, to help men along with the urination process.

This line made me spit my tea out. Cheers

Sorry my post ended up being a waste of good tea.

Your art isn't scary. Well, at least not after first glance. You've got to look deep into the eyes of the monster, to see the layers beyond the fierceness. But I keep my rose colored glasses on.

Just imagine the hallucinations that could come off your art if it was placed in sleezier places with sleezier clientele. I can imagine you lingering in the corner, that mysterious guy reading a newspaper next to the sinks, just waiting for it...

In the long jacket? How did you know I hang out by sinks?

I was curious too. The men's room door always closes real slow. I followed that haggard, paranoid looking guy with my eyes. He was heading right for The Prototype. There you were, white clown makeup, red eyeshadow, tears of blood - yeah and that long jacket. There was a devilish smile on your face.

"I don't want to be a bathroom decor artist anymore."

I take offense to that. My mother was a proud bathroom decor artist. lol

Well I just don't want to take that job away from someone worthy of the position. I'm just a normal guy.

A few normal people


Laughs Maniacally!

Oh please. Why would you want to associate with those?

"No offense to those who don't produce piss. Just messing around. Relax."

... You added an actual disclaimer at the end?

Who are you and what have you done with Mr. Himself!??

Yeah, I know, that's lame. Much of this is based on my reality behind the scenes here, combined with jokes. I feel it's good if we can at least laugh at our mistakes. Some folks take everything seriously, assume I'm complaining. From there I lose support; and that turns jokes into depression... LOL! sigh

The last time I saw bathroom art in the men's restroom was la large framed colored drawing of a naked woman with a martini glass as her vagina, olives as nipples and some green in her hair.

Must have been a fancy place. The last bathroom art I saw was a hand drawn dick in black marker.

Yes it was $150 a meal and I played there for 8 years. Piano player that is. LOL

Ah, so you were a pianist..

Snorts because that you can only put that in writing

Is it coincidence or a quantum anomaly but i just came out of the bathroom and this is the first thing i saw

I'm really good at timing things. When I was kid I wanted to be a stopwatch but everyone told me I can't. That crushed my dreams.

They lied! I see a tremendous future at the Olympics for the human stopwatch

Can you do normal?

Normally, yeah.

I read this while sitting on the can.

I could print that off into rolled sheets and you can wipe your ass with it. Interested?

I druther use this

Yuck, what scented flavor is that? Cocaine and gun powder? 😆

No thanks. I have one of my paintings printed on my mouse pad. Less crass but still useful, I suppose.

Make them put their mouth where there money is. Supposedly “love” art and music. It’s romanticized as if life couldn’t function without it.
If you don’t really want your stuff next to the poops, tell the client it’s going to cost more. DOUBLE! 😁 Quote “insanely” higher for the annoying jobs.

Not my advice. This came from the many many generations of zeros lounging around in my bank account.

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