No obstacle can stop your dreams if you learn to overcome it

in #life3 years ago

What do you think you'll feel if you don't succeed? Many of you, I'm sure, are feeling hopeless and incompetent right now. You are not alone in feeling this way. Pessimism can take hold in the minds of thousands, perhaps even millions of people. This is a fairly common occurrence. 'I'm not like them, so I can't...' In such cases, we have a slew of further suggestions.

When these nagging thoughts enter your head, you recall the people who declared, "Nothing will happen to this child," and then went on to make history by doing just that. I have no idea how they got there...


Even though they were physically unable to do so, numerous individuals have amazed us all with their efforts. In this piece, I'll tell you about five of them who have had the greatest impact on my life.

I'm not sure how to put it into words or even where to begin. Consider the situation of a person who is blind, deaf, and mute. Despite this, he continues to wow people with his accomplishments.

Helen Keller was born in the United States in 1880. He became blind and deaf as a result of a childhood ailment. It is when Helen is seven years old that she has the best opportunity of meeting Anne Sullivan, her teacher and longtime companion.

If you are unfamiliar with Helen Keller, I recommend that you read her books and watch live footage of her speaking about her life. If I begin to compile a list of their accomplishments, you can count on me taking up a lot of your time.

Everything is feasible with the proper education (which he received) and a little perseverance, which is the most important lesson we can learn from his life.

To label Stephen Hawking the greatest genius of all time would be an underestimation of the magnitude of his accomplishments. The greatest distinguishing characteristic that distinguishes this brilliance from other scientists is his capacity to fight ALS for more than 50 years. ALS is one of those diseases, and I want to make sure it doesn't happen to my adversary...

Because of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, many of you are familiar with Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS). What information do you have on it? It will become clear why I consider Stephen Hawking to be the greatest intellect of all time once you have heard about the ALS patients' daily struggles and triumphs.

Consider what we can do if we put up the effort to do so fervently...

I'm not sure what I'd do if music weren't present in my life. To be quite honest, the voices of a few bands, singers, and artists help me to relax.

Would you be surprised if I told you that Andrea Bocelli was one of those individuals?

Even though he had the option of taking a new path in life once his world became black, he opted to use his voice to accompany the world he could no longer see. The fact that this wonderful sound brought us together in peace, love, and song is a blessing in our lives.

He may serve as an inspiration for me, as I have always wanted to ride a horse but have never attempted it...


Unfortunately, some of us are unfamiliar with this gorgeous lady. The unfortunate thing is that after a while, this great individual who died from Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) and lost one leg also loses his second limb.

The despite this, she maintains her vitality and returns to the field as "Golden Legs."

If we think of walking when we think of modelling, we can imagine how difficult it would be for a model who does not have any legs. However, she uses her popularity to raise awareness so that others do not have to go through what she has gone through.

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