
But certainly not sell your country into economic slavery over the LIE of the matter C02 is bad (It's plant food. Seriously, more C02 == more trees.. that's it. Think about it... come on...)

The climate is changing, they are capitalizing on it to steal money and power from nations. That's what this agreement is. Read it. WOLVES COME IN SHEEPS CLOTHING.

yep.. i do think about it.

nothing needs to be done.

To accept that CO2 is increasing and that CO2 traps heat, that human CO2 emissions are causing heat to be trapped, is to accept that humans are causing the planet to accumulate heat. With more heat in our climate, temperatures will rise.

here is other evidence of warming:
Surface weather station measurements :
Satellite measurements show that the troposphere is warming :
The stratosphere is cooling as predicted by anthropogenic global warming theory (this cannot be explained by solar variability)
Temperatures at the ocean surface and at various ocean depths show warming as far down as 1500 meters :
Sea level rise
Gravitometric measurements of Greenland and Antarctica show net ice loss
Sea-ice loss in the Arctic is dramatically accelerating
Acceleration of glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica, particularly within the last few years.
The rise of the tropopause
Poleward migration of species
Increased intensity of hurricanes as expected from rising sea surface temperatures
Accelerating decline of glaciers throughout the world
Rise in temperatures at greater depths in the permafrost
Rapid expansion of thermokarst lakes throughout parts of Siberia, Canada and Alaska
Changes in ocean circulation as predicted by climate models, for example, with temperatures rising more quickly overland
Disintegration of permafrost coastlines in the arctic
Changes in the altitude of the stratosphere
An energy imbalance - the earth is receiving more energy than it emits (Hansen 2005)
Poleward movement of the jet streams (Archer 2008, Seidel 2007, Fu 2006)
Widening of the tropical belt (Seidel 2007, Fu 2006)

we need to stop taxing people for bullshit fake science, that's what's up... PEOPLE WE ALL NEED TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT. No-one is arguing that. We are suggesting global taxes and control mechanisms are not the way, especially NON BINDING ONES for CHINA AND INDIA.. LOL BAAAH says the sheep... BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

“I maintain there is much more wonder in science than in pseudoscience. And in addition, to whatever measure this term has any meaning, science has the additional virtue, and it is not an inconsiderable one, of being true.” — Carl Sagan
People tends to believe what they prefer to be true. Good luck with that. ;)

We are deceived when we try to convince the others. Here I just give my point. So no, I'm not. I listened you, I'm agree with some points and not with others. That's all. ;)

The thing to do is hold your leaders accountable for this fraud, and why they are not feeding the poor and such with the money they use for war. When those huge issues are solved, then worry about the environment. Until you worry about that, no polution goes anywhere.. YOU'RE LEADERS ARE CORRUPT. STOP TRUSTING THEM.

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