in #life6 years ago


I am 33 years old.I am young and healty.I can run and talk I can walk, I can jump,I can see,I can hear,much thing is possible to do when you are healty and young.

I was at hospital today because my grandfather is very sick.My grandfather is almost 80 years.He is in the intensive care unit at the hospital.

İmage when you are born,you are just such a small sweet baby,you give so happiness to your parents.
And when you come to the world planet,you just
bring happiness to your all familly but when you get old and leave that planet ( the world ) you just leave
sadness your familly..

İmagine,on oneside birth,otherside is death..
İmagine,on oneside hapiness,otherside sadness

And than you grow and grow up..

As I say nothing more important than healt.

When I was on in the hospital,you see so much

unhealty people, people who cant walk,people who

cant see,people who are cancer..

Can you imagine,when you know when you will die..

Do you really still enjoy the life ? How difficult it is

to know when you will is really too hard for these people..

And my Grandfather is in the intensive care unit at

hospital,Maybe today maybe tomorrrow he will leave that world..Everything will be finished..the life will be over...

That is why I say, Nothing is more important HEALT..

STEVE JOBS was so rich...and He also finished his life period in this planet..He could not do anything
with his healt.Neither his money nor his property could help him with his healt..

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