Motivational Monday - Don't be Afraid of Success!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Afraid of success? Who would be afraid of success?

Believe it or not, it's quite common and on top of that is one of those fear's and blockages that we rarely admit to ourselves (and sometimes we are truly not aware)

Fear of success can usually be explained into two categories:

Fear of working more and Fear of change.

It’s understandable, most people do not wish to become workaholics and spend all their time working. And most people do fear change... that's one of those things. (And related to change if the fear of what will other's think of me?)

But here is an important point, this mind set comes from comparing a boring day job with your vision. When you have a day job every minute is usually very draining and tedious, most of the days you end up exhausted.

This is because you don’t like it, it mindless, you are not really contributing anything for the world and someone else is getting rich because of it.

However if you are working towards your goal in life it will make you fulfilled.

At first it might seem like standard hard work, but eventually you will get into the zone meaning, you will start to work with total pleasure and time will fly. Only normal if you are fulfilling your calling.

There might be days where you put in 11 hours of work and you might fell tired but you will also fell very satisfied and happy. And on top of that the work you have done will benefit your life later, it’s a win win situation, you will fell better in doing it and it will be better for your life.

So you will fell good when working, even when doing it for long hours, and also you will have time for yourself and for those you love.

You will have more control over your schedule and you will be able to enjoy all that life has to offer. You can also work on time management and you will be doing great.

The fear of working to much it usually comes from a place “bling chase”. When your driving force is material purchases. If you are concern with external factors then any work you will do will be with a 9 to 5 attitude, it will simply fell like tedious work that you just have to do in order to get stuff.

But we are talking about chasing your dream and when that happens the external factors and financial benefits are just a by-product of the path. If you take long term thinking with total dedication the work itself will be rewarding and external factors won’t matter that much.

In short if you fear success… of have nothing to fear.


As always, thank you for reading.

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Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the "someday I'll" philosophy.

Totally agree!!

Gotta love motivational blogs, thumbs up!

Thanks man!!!

Somos seres adaptáveis e com isso podemos nos acostumar com qualquer tipo de coisa. O medo é passageiro e realmente para quem quer realizar seus objetivos, deverá deixar o medo de lado e mergulhar de frente em seus sonhos. Ótimo post!

Mergulhar de frente nos sonhos!!! Exactamente!! Mesmo que seja difícil.

Obrigado pelo comentário!!!


Wonderfull post..

O medo nos impede de seguir os nossos sonhos mas temos de ser mais fortes do que ele! Excelente post! :)

Concordo plenamente!!!


Knowledge full post it gives way for success. If you have goal then you can work for the target achievement. So by reading this post one can encouraged. Thanks for boosting.

Thanks man!! Can only hope it can be a bit inspirational for someone.

Isso ai, algumas vezes tem que sair da zona de conforto e arriscar, já diz o ditado, quanto maior o risco maior a recompensa. Não precisa arriscar tudo, tem que organizar. Mas se ficar parado, e esperando a loteria, não sair do lugar. Valeu!

Exactamente!!! Como diz o Richard Branson. "Take risks, don't gamble"

Obrigado pelo comentário e boa semana!

Não devemos aprisionar-nos aos nossos medos se queremos vencer!!

Concordo a 100%!! Avante camarada, como diz o outro!!!

Avante!! :D

if you love what are you doing you will work a lot and still feel excited.
I am not sure if I agree we can be afraid of success, I think we are afraid of working hard and we are afraid of failure. I think everyone want to be succesfull.

Yes I believe that fear of working all the time, failure, change and what will people think, create the fear of success, in a subconscious way.

Thanks for the comment!!

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