Story about how I got lost in the mountains and nature photos

in #life7 years ago (edited)

2018-03-12 06.29.00.jpg

How some of you might have noticed from my posts, I live in Nepal. Also some of you probably never heard of it., so I'll start with a bit of info.
Nepal is a small piece of land between India and China and it has the most unique flag ever :D
also It's a mountain-country [it almost doesn't have flat land] and is a Mecca for trackers and mountaineers.

So. This sunday we decided to go for a small hike in the hills [hills here are more than 2,5 km above sea level] around Kathmandu. We planned to walk about 7-8 km, but we got lost and walked 30 km in about 6 hours. 30 kilometers
And it's not like nice walk in a park, it's mountains. It means constantly going up and down, up and down, and then freaking up again. I feel like I won't be able to walk for a week now.
And it would be ok if we at least were on a normal trail. But no, we are special and we went straight through jungles, abandoned trails and we literally climbed a landslide almost at 90 degrees to horizontal plane.
Because we are special.

Here's the landslide I was talking about. We didn't see how big and scary it was while climbing it, so we got even more scared and surprised after we saw the whole picture :D

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Oh and by "we" I mean me [a not very sporty kid], my mom and two of her friends. All of them are professional mountain guides. You can't get lost with a guide, but you will get completely lost with three.

Some of the hills actually had really nice old steps. They look even cooler near the top, because it like they are leading nowhere.
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And this is a very nice looking place, we basically were traversing for an hour there. My last drawing is actually based on this place [not this picture, but same area].

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After wandering on ridges for god knows how long, we decided that we will just go down where we see something looking at least a tiny bit like a path. So we walked through a forest inclined at almost 90 degrees to horizontal, trying to hold on to trees [in my case constantly slipping and smashing my face against them]. We were really glad to finally get out of there, because storm was coming, and there's nothing worse than a storm when you have only slippery leaves under your feet and a huge precipice a few steps to the side.
When we walked out we found a village and we got super-exited at first, bc cmon, it's a village, that means there should go a local bus and we can finally get home. But when we moved closer, it appeared that village is completely abandoned! Not a single person! And a storm.

That's one of the buildings in that village and it's just creepy. [you can't see the storm coming, because it's on the other side]
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Aand the background itself, because it looks nice.

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So, that village was just too creepy to handle, so we ran away [well, "ran" is a strong word. We walked almost 30 km before that, so it was more like fast hobbling]
At least even abandoned village => normal road somewhere near. And we found it! Here's where actual magic starts.

I have no idea how, but on completely empty mountain-road we met a jip-car (!) and the driver talked in Russian (!) and he was going to Kathmandu (!)
He dropped us to the city for free! [god bless this man] and after this The Guides™ decided to get drunk in the nearest restaurant. I decided to go home, so I walked about 3 km in the dark alone. And I didn't get lost. And this is true magic, because I don't know the city that well :D

Very weird and full of suffering adventure [my legs are ruined], but in the end I actually kinda liked it :D

I'm sorry that there's not that much pictures. I just don't feel like posting the ones that don't look good [its an art blog after all, everything should be beautiful]. And I didn't take a lot of pictures in general, because I was too tired to even take my phone out or it wasn't very safe to get distracted. So every picture went through a inner debate "is it worth it?"

Let me know if you want to hear more stories from my life, or I should shut up and only post art.

Have a nice day, I certainly did :D

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