Technical Director at Google Ray Kurzweil. Predictions for 100 years.

in #life8 years ago

Have you ever heard of the futurist, Ray Kurzweil and the term "technological singularity"?

According to some experts, the forecasts this person is true with an accuracy of 89%, he predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of artificial intelligence.

Google futurist claims that within 10-15 years, the technology reached such a level that we will be able to upload their own consciousness into the "cloud" and to use this information on demand.

Virtual reality will reach a level of development that offices will disappear, in order to hold a meeting it will be enough to wear glasses and to choose any place in our universe. Perhaps this will lead to a global de-urbanization and people will begin to leave the cities..

Kurzweil believes that artificial intelligence will become smarter than human by 2045. Well, we'll see!

How do You feel about such a future?

Ray Kurzweil. Predictions for 100 years.

Being one of the main researchers of modern achievements in the field of artificial intelligence, Kurzweil publishes its forecasts with 1990-ies, many of which became academic, writes Inventure.

But if five years ago, he often operated with long periods (2030, 2040 years), but recently in the assumptions of the scientist appeared a chronological harmony. Maybe the accuracy was influenced by his work in the biggest Internet companies, where the futurist was at the forefront of many innovative developments.

Kurzweil seems to invite to participate in the intellectual game and collect the puzzle — picture of the future of his old and new predictions. If you collect all the predictions made over 20 years in books, blogs, interviews and lectures, you will notice that the future from 2019 to 2099 scientist has painted literally for years.

2019 – Wire and cable for personal and peripheral devices in any sphere thing of the past.

2020 – Personal computers reach the computing power comparable to the human brain.

2021 – Wireless Internet access will cover 85% of the Earth's surface.

2022 – In the US and Europe will take the laws regulating the relations of humans and robots. The activities of the robots, their rights, obligations and other restrictions will be formalized.

2024 – Elements of computer intelligence will become mandatory in cars. People were forbidden to sit behind the wheel of a car, not equipped with computer assistants.

2025 – the Emergence of mass market gadgets-implants.

2026 – Thanks to scientific progress per unit of time, we will prolong his life for longer than it took

2027 – a Personal robot capable of fully Autonomous complex actions, will become as familiar a thing as a refrigerator or coffee maker

2028 – Solar power will become so cheap and common that will satisfy the total energy needs of mankind.

2029 a Computer will pass the Turing test, proving the presence of a mind in the human sense of the word. This will be achieved through computer simulation of the human brain.

2030 – the Flowering of nanotechnology in the industry that will lead to a significant reduction in the cost of production of all products.

2031 – 3D printers to print human organs to be used in hospitals of all levels.

2032 – Nanorobots will be used for medical purposes. They will be able to deliver nutrients to cells and remove waste products. They will also conduct a detailed scan of the human brain that will allow you to understand the details of his work

2033 – self-driving cars fill the roads.

2034 – First date man with artificial intelligence. The movie "her" in an improved form: the virtual lover, you can equip the "body", projecting the image on the retina of the eye, for example using contact lenses or glasses virtual reality.

2035 – Space technology will be sufficiently developed to ensure the protection of the Earth from the threat of asteroid collisions.

2036 – Using approach to biology, as to programming to the humankind will be able to program cells for the treatment of diseases, and the use of 3D printers will allow us to grow new tissues and organs.

2037 – a Giant breakthrough in understanding the secrets of the human brain. Will be determined by hundreds of different subregions with specialized functions. Some of the algorithms that encode the development of these regions will be transcribed and included in neural network computers.

2038 – the Emergence of robotic people, products transhumanistic technologies. They will be equipped with additional intelligence (for example, focused on specific narrow field of knowledge, full coverage of which the human brain is not capable) and a variety of options-implants — from the eyes of the cameras up to an additional hand-prosthesis.

2039 – nano-Machines will be implanted directly into the brain and to implement arbitrary input and output signals from brain cells. This will lead to virtual reality, "total immersion", which will not require any additional equipment.

2040 – the Search engines will be the basis for devices that will be implanted in the human body. The search will be carried out not only through language, but through thoughts, and the search results will be displayed on the screen the same lenses or glasses.

2041 – the Ultimate bandwidth will be 500 million times more than today.

2042 – the First potential realization of immortality – thanks to an army of nanobots that will complement the immune system and "clean up" of the disease.

2043 – the Human body can take any form, due to the large number of nanobots. The internal organs are replaced with cybernetic devices much better quality.

2044 – non-Biological intelligence will be billions of times more intelligent than the biological.

2045 – the onset of the technological singularity. The earth will turn into one giant computer.

2099 – the Process of a technological singularity extends to the entire Universe.

Well, such predictions are sometimes hard to believe. However, if we take into account the enormous pace of development of society, it becomes clear that in the near future and this is possible. While we can only watch.


I predict that in 20 years that guy will still be talking about how he made predictions and he will still be giving the same speech about moore's law and exponential growth. Like, seriously the guy is smart and his points are valid and cool but I've seen like 10 different speeches he gave at different locations and they al said basically the same exact things, so when I guy predicting things becomes predictable it's a little weird, makes me think I am the futurist and he's running behind.

It's interesting, but I think they live in their own world. They have a lot of competition and everyone wants to be the first. And such loud words are pronounced.

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