in #life7 years ago (edited)

A beautiful and promising life was suddenly ended 3 days ago at around 6:00 pm, when a crazy and reckless driver of an elf vehicle overtook on the shoulder and carelessly sideswiped the tricycle of my dear cousin, Lani, who at that time was heading home, southbound. This caused their vehicle to drift uncontrollably to the other lane and collided with a northbound 10 wheeler delivery van. It was a fatal collision, my cousin and her driver were pronounced DOA (dead on arrival) at the hospital. This terrible news and reality left us all shocked, grieving and angry for the inconsiderate and impulsive act of this driver that claimed their lives.

If I may say, this elf driver should have no business driving. I wonder why he was even granted a driver's license. He attempted to run after the incident but thanks to a concerned couple who willingly chased with their motorbike and accosted the culprit.

My heart is broken... she was like a sister to me. Yes, we were cousins, neighbors, buddies and we practically grew up together as we were of the same age. We shared a lot of good and funny memories. When we were kids, I would climb our favorite mansanita tree and she would stay down to catch what ever I could pick and throw them to her then we would enjoy eating our harvest with great gusto.

Lani was loved by every one. Her bright face was always full of smiles. She was warm, bubbly and friendly person, she could easily win for Miss Congeniality in a beauty contest. She was a hardworking mom who has been through a lot of life's struggles especially with her marriage. She just kept going and working to make both ends meet. Then she found and started a small business that she really wanted and this inspired her to work harder. It was starting to pick up, however short-lived because of what happened.

There are too many 'ifs' running in my mind now. If only they hadn't stopped at Pagdalagan crossing (which is like 300 meters away from the point of accident) for a snack, then they didn't get into that mishap. If only the elf driver was more patient and careful and thought twice before overtaking on the shoulder, then there could have been no accident. If only the Lord intervened, perhaps Lani would still be alive. Honestly, I can not fully understand why the Lord has allowed this to happen but I believe in my heart and in my mind that God has a good reason for allowing it.

Pardon me guys for this sad post. I know that Steemit should be a venue for good and joyful things. However I thought to share this with you as a wake up call and reminder.

Two good young men are now motherless because of one reckless driver. But how many more children are left orphaned because of drivers like him. To everyone reading this who sit behind the wheel, there is great risk on the road. I seriously think that we need to exercise more patience when driving. Be more considerate and responsible drivers. Be a respecter of life, for when we drive carefully and defensively, we save and spare lives of innocent people.

LIFE is short and fragile, handle with extra care and lots of PRAYERS!

Thank you for your time. To God be all the glory!

@ jap60
Thur 22Mar2018


My condolences dear, no one deserves such painful and careless death. Hope drivers learn... Please be comforted.

Thank you for your comforting words, @wakkylyon. God bless you.

Our thoughts are with you!

Steemit does not only have to be for happy things, it is YOUR outlet to share your stories, thoughts and feelings.

Lani sounds like a warm, fun person, full of life before she was tragically taken. Your story pays tribute to her in a wonderful way. From the way you describe her, I am sure she would want you to laugh again, smile again and live a life full of fun and adventure enough for TWO.

I would also suggest that the first chance you get, find a mansanita tree, grab a stick and knock some fruit from its branches and eat it, whilst remembering your beautiful Cousin or maybe I should say Sister, friend and neighbor and enjoy it, again, for TWO.

You and those lovely boys of Lani's and everyone who loves her will help eachother through this incredibly difficult time.

I'm not even gonna mention the wreckless individuals that caused this as I wanna focus on the positive, happy, loving thoughts.

I hope when you remember her, as well as the tears you can also have smiles remembering happy memories and somebody you loved very much.

Take great care of eachother, hope your love and faith help you to feel happy again soon :)

big HUG

Steven and family.

Image from pixabay.

Thank you so much, @stevenwood. You're right to say that it would be best to focus on the positive, happy loving thoughts. Exactly why I decided not to look at the casket because I just want to remember her as the bubbly, happy and full of life woman that she is.

Thank you for your wonderful suggestions, for the beautiful card and for your time. God bless your caring soul, my friend.

I think thats awesome @jap60

So tragic, @luckypower. Thanks for reading.

Agh no! This is so saddening to hear! Reckless drivers just make me so angry! May she RIP, and condolences to you and your family!❤️

Yes, it's a sad truth that there are several reckless drivers out there. Thanks @heavenlydoms.

OMG! I am so sorry, ate. I have no words. Praying for her soul.

Thank you for your prayers, ading.

condolence po ate jane...

Salamat, Shie.

condolence po ate.

Thank you, Vicvic.

Our heartfelt condolences

Thank you so much @teardrops.

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