USA Pulls Out Of Paris Climate Change Agreement: Some Thoughts

in #life7 years ago

On Thursday, President of the United States Donald Trump announced the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement saying,

I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris,

With President Trump's decision, USA joins Nicaragua and Syria to become the only countries that have not signed the Paris Climate Agreement. Nicaragua stated that the reason for it not signing the agreement was that it was not tough enough,
and that it did not do enough to protect ‘Mother Earth.’

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A study published by a group of researchers at MIT estimates how much the Paris Climate Change Agreement would make a difference. They estimated that if we abide by this agreement, we would be able to slow global warming by somewhere in between 0.6 to 1.1 degrees Celsius. The co-director John Reilly of this MIT program said,

If we don't do anything, we might shoot over 5 degrees or more and that would be catastrophic.

The President aimed to renegotiate a better deal than the Paris agreement and he personally called the European leaders to explain the reasons for his withdrawal. But soon the leaders said in a joint statement that the agreement was irreversible and could not be renegotiated.

In the aftermath of the President's decision to withdraw, a few notable members of the Advisory council have left including Disney CEO Bob Iger and SpaceX CEO and PayPal Co-Founder Elon Musk.

In a letter written to the company's employees, Apple CEO stated,

[...] I spoke with President Trump on Tuesday and tried to persuade him to keep the U.S. in the agreement. But it wasn’t enough. [...]

I am sure you have heard of this in the news. But what does this mean for the average person in the world?

There is a lot of debate on whether climate change and global warming exist or not and I mean a lot. Each side offers arguments but these kinds of debates get heated pretty quickly. Personally, while I do believe climate change is real and it is happening right now, I won't try to enforce my beliefs onto you. If you agree, awesome. If you don't, more power to you. But I do have the right to express my own views, and if that means I could get some more people to reduce their carbon footprint, it would be more than I could have asked for.

Even the countries that were once thought to be against any kind of agreement like the Paris Climate Change Agreement, like India and China have now become it's biggest supporters. Not too long ago, India had an economy, the majority of which ran on fossil fuels like coal. But now, they are rapidly adopting and shifting to renewable energy sources which is quite admirable.


If the text is too small, you can click here to read it.

US is undoubtedly one of the biggest leaders of the world and if it fails to take major steps to prevent climate change and global warming, it could have major adverse effects for our Planet Earth. This is definitely nothing to be lazy about.

It is possible that we may be able to live through our lives without witnessing or experience the horrors of what global warming and climate change may bring. But our children, and our children's children may not be able to.

If not for yourselves, at least help to make it better for your children. I urge you my fellow Steemians to do some research on climate change. Read some studies and researches. Watch some videos. If we all unite and take the same stance, we can prevent global warming. We can save this planet.


This entire Paris accord is a 100% scam, designed to bring all countries down financially, and introduce global control mechanisms. Climate is changing but it's getting cooler. Stop giving power to rich oligarchs, who blast chemtrails out of one side of their mouth, and tell YOU to PAY for something that is natural, and take your rights.. YA, I'd say the USA is in the right on this one. As usual, people are so invested in the lie, they are willing to defend the enemy even as they take their rights away directly. Sheep. Sheep everywhere.

195 nations and thousands of climate scientists around the world. From entirely different walks of life, cultures that are far apart, and most often disagree on many matters. Countries that are rich, countries that are struggling with crippling poverty.

They have, of course, joined together in a great global conspiracy just to annoy you.

At some point, you have to question yourself - either the entire world is a conspiracy, or maybe apply Occam's razor and wonder if you're the conspiracy.

All the best!

No one is arguing that the climate is changing. There is zero proof it's
A) CO2
B) Human caused
C) There is evidence of heading into a mini ice age. There is RECORD ice in the arctic. Rising yearly. Google that. Good place to debunk the lies. There are ice breaker issues here in Canada getting through the ice even now. Record off the east coast..

So. This is a CONTROL MECHANISM. Have you ever read it? It's about economic supression. Wake up.

There is zero proof it's
A) CO2
B) Human caused

Do you know about the Greenhouse effect? Google it.

Ya, I did. There's a hell of a lot of research that states the exact opposite.. You are a sheep who gets their news from the MSM and sorry, they lie all the time. Here's a document refuting C02 as a cause of climate change.

Sorry to say, the science is not iron clad in any way.

There's a hell of a lot of research that states that it is indeed real. It goes back 1824. Jesus Christ. It's basic science that they include in 6th grade science textbooks.

How can you believe that this document isn't a lie and the others are?

It is not because a man spoke of manipulation "Mr George Hunt" that there is nothing to do. The conspiracy theories are not changing the facts of the climate change.. let's be positive.

The word conspiracy theory is an abra-cadabra bullshit word. This is simply a conspiracy. People are literally brainwashed by the fear of being labeled a 'conspiracy theorist' .. That's a CIA mind control operation they did in the 60s.. very effective.. Label truth as a 'conspiracy' and ridicule those who seek truth. You are quite obviously oblivious to this, and and as such have so far to go before you can accept real truth. I wish you luck, but you're very far from truth.

I'm for the planet, the rest, the words are just words... And there is definitely something to do.

but it isn't economic slavery for something that is happening no matter what we do. Trust me, this is a lie, and does not help the environment. Nor does C02 (plant food) cause the issue.

You pretty much know it's a bullshit article when they use 'climate denier' No-one is denying the climate is changing, and caring for the environment is a bad idea. WE DON'T WANT GLOBALIST BULLSHIT CONTROL PROGRAMS THAT FEIGN CLIMATE RESPONSIBILITY. You see the difference?

So what you are going to do for the climate change the fact, not the theory... This is my point, something need to be done.

When the United States withdrew from the Paris agreement, we would never withdraw from china. China will be a big country with a leader, and we will vigorously develop new energy sources to reduce carbon emissions.

I appreciate China's ongoing rapid efforts to adopt renewable energy sources. I hope that one day, the world runs on renewable energy sources, instead of fossil fuels.

Thank you for the comment.

Personally I believe in global warming... and global cooling, it is cyclical. I appreciate your willingness to present your viewpoint without criticizing or minimizing anyone who doesn't agree with your beliefs on the issue. To be quite honest, this is my first experience where a MMGW (Man Made Global Warming) proponent has reacted in this manner.
Some of my concerns with the ideology are the change in terminology from global warming to cooling to change based on what the last short period of weather indicates, the ridiculously unfulfilled predictions put out by Al Gore and others , the short period of time with reliable information available, and the ability to manipulate numbers, especially when extrapolated over long periods of time.
Many of my friends who strongly support the MMGW theory (and yes, it is a theory, not a fact), tell me I don't care about the planet. Quite the contrary, I care enough about the planet to endure the hard task of pressing on to find real solutions on how to help preserve the environment, instead of settling for something that feels good, rather than something that does good.
Again, just my humble opinion, and I appreciate your willingness to at least hear some of the things that create a stumbling block for me jumping on board the ship.

It becomes a sensitive topic. The research which Obama based his decision on to sign the Paris Agreement, was based on contaminated data because the real data did support a warming effect. I don't know, maybe we getting warmer due to humans or maybe it is part of a natural cycle.

Read The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein.

How you think about climate change is largely dictated by what you consider good - i.e., whether you believing that non-impact is the goal, or whether you believe that human flourishing is the goal.

We can't survive if our environment fails us, but it isn't policy that causes us to reduce our emissions, it's progress and innovation. And there's no evidence that our environment is actually failing us, just models that have never accurately predicted climate change.

So, check out the book and make your own decision about whether climate change is catastrophic, mild and manageable, or maybe even good for the world.

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