What worry does to you ...

in #life6 years ago

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There's a reason why this image is the size of Texas. It's because worry in my life is a massive issue. I'd say it has pretty much been with me for as long as I can remember. A demon I would call it that has made itself my best friend without my permission.

What do I worry about you might ask? The list is endless...

  • Finances
  • Steemit
  • Relationship with girlfriend
  • Crypto markets

The list goes on. I'm sure about 90% of people worry about finances. Will I make enough to carry me through this month? Will my kids have food to eat? Will I be able to pay my debt? It's amazing how we worry about things that haven't even happened yet. I mean, there are times when I worry about worrying. Can you believe it? I've been on this earth a few decades, and I can say for a fact that most of the things I've worried about didn't even come to fruition.

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Worry takes such a tole on your physical and mental health. When I worry I smoke more ( cigarettes hehehe ), I sleep less and I don't eat more though, but I do smoke more. I play the scenario over and over in my head thinking about a certain situation that I'm worrying about, trying to figure out a way to gain control of the situation.

I'm the type of person that likes to be in control of a situation. I like to know what's going to happen. If you make plans with me I like to know the place and time we're going to meet. I'm not the type of person that'll get mad if you're a few minutes late, but I like to make plans, and I expect people to stick to them. My point? If I make plans and you cancel or don't show, then I worry.

  • Was it me?
  • Was it something I did to offend you?

The worry sets in and then my mind starts thinking worse case scenario. and then invokes more worry upon worry I already have. Which in turn starts putting me into a bad mood, because my mind tells me, "Your time has just been wasted" or "This person obviously is taking you for a fool". It's a horrible feeling and I have to train myself to not give in to those thoughts.

When I worry about crypto markets or finances, it stresses me out to no end. I get headaches, I'm in a constant bad mood, and I smoke like a chimney. I have to remind myself that there is nothing I can do about the crypto markets. Unless if I get a million bucks and buy crypto causing it to rise in value. Yea, that aint happenin'.

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So why worry over something that I have no control over? It's pointless, and to be honest, it's idiotic. Yet I still do it! Finances I can obviously do something about. That is something that isn't completely out of my control, but it's still a huge worry on my end. So many people worry about finances, you always hear people talking about it, and how they worry about making ends meet.

I believe life should be enjoyed and it's what you make of it. Yes there are people out there that have massive amounts of money, but let me tell you, those people also worry. It might not be about finances, but they do worry. It is such a life draining succubus that once it has a grip on you, it doesn't let go easily.

But there is hope. It can be controlled, the worry that is. For me, I've realised that there is no point in worrying about something that is out of your control. You cannot do anything about it, so why worry about it? If you worry about something, and there's something you can try to do to improve the situation, then do it. Give it a shot. You have to at least try.

Worry will always be a part of many people's lives I believe. But when you realise that worrying about certain things gains you nothing in life, then I believe you're on the right path to live a better care free life.

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