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RE: You don't get sober and close all the bars

in #life5 years ago

It can be...I guess it's different for everyone. For me, a diabetic, I know what the end result of eating sugar will be...So, I have the choice to make...Make having the sugar more important, or make my life more important. Seems a simple choice. Not always so simple for everyone though.


You do what needs to be done. I know not one, but two diabetics which continue to eat sweets regularly. :(

Oh, that's maybe not the best thing to do although maybe they know something I din't know about diabetes. Anyway, it takes all sort of people and they might have different life-goals than I do. I wish them all the best and also thank you for taking the time to comment.

Yeah... They seem not to be able to control themselves, one is also very stubborn.

I wonder how stubborn he will be when they have to remove his leg through poor circulation, or he has a heart attack...Still, if he wants to prioritise sugar over his life it's his prerogative isn't it?

The problem is, he already knows what can happen. There was another case he knows close where diabetes led to practically all major organs failure and death.

That one was even more stubborn. He refused to go to any doctors or take a treatment.

I don't really know what to say...Seems like maybe they welcome their own demise.

People that don't know how to cope with the prospect of a lifelong disease... Some eventually change their minds, but not before they make a lot of damage, most likely.

Yes, it's a little mind-boggling but it happens. I went to the funeral of a good mate's dad who did exactly that...Died poorly...Diabetes related. He never took his medication and ate badly. I'll die sometime, but don't want to just yet, so I do the right thing. 😁

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