Why we travelled the world without (fiat) money

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hi there!
Welcome to our magical journey from Berlin to Perú.
As you can read in our introduceyourself article, we travelled the world by bike and didn't have any financial background. We choose that.


Of course our beloved ones wanted to stop us from doing this but we had to!
And here is why:

Living in a first world country, in a big city leaves you clueless about life and about what it means to be a human being. It left us questioning how to survive, how to just exist, if everything around us, this big system of a city, would be gone.

And we didn't know.
We had a glimpse and some ideas.. a calling in our hearts and we HAD to find out.
Who are we.. what are we here for? Is money the only tool to be allowed to live on this planet?

So we took our bikes and some camping stuff and pedalled south, where we figured it would be easier to survive in nature. Less cold, more fruits and vegetables, longer harvest times.. No plan on returning. And we never did to the present day.. That was five years ago.


On our way we had to manage to survive and eat.

The late summer nature of Germany, France and Spain has been very good to us and week after week we completely lived from cherries, berries wild herbs and other fruits we could find in the wilderness or in parks.


When we arrived in villages or small towns, we went to the fruit markets to ask for low quality fruit and veggies that would be thrown away anyway and sh**… we couldn't transport all of what we regularly got from stores, markets or private people..
There was not ONE day we have been hungry.. With smiling faces we entered conversations and told them about our journey.


We have been invited to sleep over, to use internet, to shower, to repair our bikes, to go to events together..
Hell yeah we made friends and collected good memories for sure..


But we always knew, this is only possible, because we TRAVEL..

This is not an easy solution for anyone who is permanently living here or there.. For the people who supported us with food and good energy it was about the passing by character our visit had. We would not be a permanent burden, nobody had to „feed us“ forever.. it was a gift and people shared what they got with happiness, they soaked in our stories and enjoyed our conversations. Or sometimes, when we stayed a bit, our work and help for something in exchange.


So we got an idea about the „community called humanity“ and about open hearts and arms around the world.

We found freedom.. But we did not find independence.

We still have been dependent on the money of others.. they worked for it.. they got numbers on their bank account for their workforce, bought the banana, which got brown spots and was finally given to us..

On all our journey, we have been thinking about how to be independent.
In our city life, we felt trapped. By the necessary ongoing of the foodchain, by the mental health of our government, by the chemicals we supposedly need to be healthy and happy, creams, make up, cleaning soaps in all colours and fragrances.. We felt trapped in the cycles of going to work, paying your bills, chasing your dreams, which degrade to hobbies, soon, if you are lucky..

How on earth could it be, that every animal, even a WORM knows how to just live, better than we did..

We began to take apart every aspect of life and test it to the core. What would be needed to sustain that aspect autarkic and blissful.

To spice this challenge, we would add three values

  1. ecological, sustainable an zero waste aspects
  2. not loosing touch to the world around us, not just running into the forests. Being a Human with dignity and pride.
  3. we would want to inspire more people to find independence and freedom and stay connected to the world, giving back and passing on what we learned.

And we began to dig into the depth of what it means to be born here and now on planet earth

Join us and take what you need and love, to green up your own life ♡


The Independency Checklist

  • A place to called home
  • Housing
  • Food and nutrition
  • Clean water
  • Hygiene
  • Social connections
  • Education
  • Trading systems
  • Energy
  • Clothing
  • Meaning

If you are interested in how we addres all these topics, please feel welcome to follow us 🙂
But I am not a fan of teasing, so I will start right away with the first one.

A place to called Home

While travelling is surely one of the most exciting ways of learning about the world. Having a place to call home is a very good way to deeply feel security in your life.

Like many of you steemians surely know already, our current financial system is coloured by „interest“, so if you loan some money from the bank, they will ask you to give back a bit more in the end..
Where does this money come from.. Nowhere of course.. And while there is the possibility to create new money, believe me, the bank is not much concerned about the money itself or afraid you might not be able to pay them back PLUS interest. Because you know what… it might be interesting for them if you can't pay back. That's the moment they can offer you to „pay back“ with.. let's say a part of your potato aker.. Isn't that interesting..

My fellow friends all over the world.. please witness the magical transformation from „kind of value“ to „real“ value..


It's this god damn place we all live on. It's mother Gaia herself..
Back then people had to shoot the farmer dead, they had so enslave them directly, they had to fight wars.. Nowadays you can just ask them to „pay back with a part of their land“..


We felt sad and asked ourselves how we can contribute to stop or better these dynamics.
And we found our way of finding peace and even be quite excited about how we handle money today - We play with the rules but we change the game.
Cause really.. with every donation our young organisation recieves we do the only thing the money system would be pissed of, at least just a bit.

WE BUY LAND.. and a loooooooot of it. We exchange the „duebill“ for one of the most divine values.. GROUND, SOIL, WATERSOURCES, TREES, space to live on and from.

And jut to be clear - There might have been a valid reason for the installation of our current money system here on earth. I am truly open to anything. But let's face it - The way it is right now is causing suffering and with every money we earn, someone else will have to give „true value“ (probably land or unpayed work)
In our first world countries we don't see the vast degradation of the rainforests.. We don't see the thousands of hectares who once belonged to small families and have been flourishing green, now cut down for monocrops of giant companies who could buy the land, the small farmer had to give up to pay his interests, very cheap.
First world countries can't grasp that and I am not even mad.. How could they know.. let alone while being faced with their own challenges..

I am not mad.. I just call to make a change for the better.
And we over here do have the chance now by buying land free.
We will go in detail about how we give the land back to people and how we work for the implementation of sustainable, healthy farming and gardening methods. How we create interesting examples for people who would want to try to live off grid and rural again. Of course.. with a tech device and internet 😉 It's potential paradise and I'll go into that topic in upcoming blog posts.


What did Can and I learn regarding independence and „a place to call home“?
Well we understood that a truely effective conservation of the environment one is living in, the nature around us, that offers us joy and air and water, can't just be protected in closed parks, organised by governments or bigger institutions..
We realized that effective conservation has to be decentralized and run by the wish of people LIVING in the area, to protect their home and land.
So we are creating a decentralized rainforest protection project, where people get to know permacultural food forest systems and can fall in love with the land and lifestyle, automatically protecting the area and wildlife.


The land which was given to the bank from the small farmer is potentially creating even more value and keeps the spiral of centralized power going.
And there it is.. the value land is producing is..?



So food and nutrition is what our next blog article will be about 🙂
Stay tuned and thank you so much for caring and sharing ♡

EDIT: We uploaded a video from our journey through Europe :D Enjoy the fly feeling on bikes with us <3
Here is the link to the video on DTube:

We know that with this article, there will maybe pop up even MORE questions or doubts.
That's good! You are welcome to ask us, what you would like to know about in detail, so I can braid that into the following articles that are about to come or answer directly.

Let's be curious, let's find out together.


Another really nice and informative article. Keep up the great work @gaiama! 👏👍

:) Thank you!

That is an absolutely amazing story. Looking forward to read more about it 😊 👍

:D Oh thank you, I really enjoyed the markdown form... drag and drop the pictures was fun! :D So I am also looking forward already for the next article xD

My motto:

Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever you were gonna do anyway.

Always a good idea.. do whatever you want as long as you don´t hurt anyone else <3

I like your The Independency Checklist. Another great post guys, @gaiama.

:) Oh thank you! wow.. i need to learn how to check if we got comments here.. 15 days ago already...Anyway, glad you like it ♡ I hope to have enough time to post the next article of the "independenncy Checklist", soon . Saludos de Perú

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