⭐️ Living a life less ordinary ⭐️

in #life7 years ago


I dutifully jot down my new year's resolutions at this time of year whilst I am conscious that behind everything that I choose to do or not do these days, I am living closer to the life that I wish to lead. I aspire to live a life less ordinary, more meaningful and more fulfilling.

I am contemplating some lifestyle changes alongside the usual health, family, spiritual and wealth wishes that pepper my thoughts.

Is this the year to become self-employed? I like the idea of having time off between assignments.

Shall we move to a larger home so that I can create some personal and working space? The decluttering is a never ending task with children!

I find travelling so inspirational and have booked a couple of European trips. We shall be air bnbing this year so that we can create a home from home feel. Travelling gives us the time to have dedicated family time away from work and chores.

I also intend to be in nature more by going for family walks in the country to rejuvenate our spirits. It provides a perspective to any issue...

Happy new year!

@fleur ⭐️


Self employment is something I have been considering this year too actually. I’m just too “chicken” to make the jump to it from my comfortable desk job.

Well with steemit taking off, it could give you some impetus!

Good luck! This year my resolutions are about not focusing on achieving goals but to build habits instead.

A great idea 💡

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