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RE: What is it like to earn over $200,000 a year?

in #life7 years ago

I made about $150K a year for a few years in San Diego. I was a single mom, no child support, and working hard. I spent my money on "experiences" instead of things in the small amount of time I had off and tried to enjoy it all.

I also saved money as best I could. I was extremely grateful for the excellent pay and was glad for the lifestyle it gave me and my son. I donated to local causes and ate out a lot due to time issues. I was also traveling many times a year for the job. It was a hectic time.

Looking back - I would have been happier to make less money and have more time with my son, but I did the best I could at the time.

I've worked for mega-wealthy people often and don't find them to be happy - in general. I've lived with and around destitute people and find them to be much happier - in general.

Now I make almost no money and have a much more laid back life. I'm still driven to work, but money is not a big part of that. I do what I can to make enough money to live a frugal life and that seems to work fine for me :)


Money rich doesn't mean wealthy. A money rich person could be unhappy if all they have is money. But a truly wealthy person could be miserable if all they lack is money.

Yes, it's lonely up there and few can handle it from what I've ever seen.

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