
in #life6 years ago


Some people claim that they have hundreds of friends. I don't judge them, I just don't believe them. Friendship in my opinion is sacred. When I am friend with someone I care for him/her, I am there when it's needed, I spend energy for this person, I love this person. Thus you cannot have that special bond with many...

I had in my life people I considered friends who proved me wrong. There is no space for jealousy in such relationships. You cannot be happy with your friend's misery. You cannot harm intentionally the one you share so many things with. We are not 5 years old when every kid is our best friend. As you grow older, you become more selective, you evaluate differently others, you build other kind of relationships.

Frenemies do exist and we don't want them in our lives. The ones you appreciate and chose to have near you are easier to betray you. They know you more, you have opened your heart to them, shared your thoughts with them, you have given access to who you truly are, so betrayal is unfair. It's like playing against the rules.

My friends are as many as can sit on a bench. We have enjoyed sunshines and we have seen storms togethers. But we never left this bench. We are there for each other and we are stronger together...



So tell me, do you think that one should have the same level of fastidiousness about one's enemies as about one's friends? Should enemies be chosen with great care and attention, and after a long acquaintance and building of a relationship?

After all, isn't it a waste of precious time and energy to consider every jerk who cuts you off in traffic, or who steals your purse, or spreads some gossip about you, to be an "enemy"? My guess is that they don't deserve the honor. An enemy should be someone special, someone you keep close, someone who deserves your time and attention :-)

I believe that life is too short to waste your energy or precious time -as you very well said- for enemies in general.. Since they do exist, I prefer not giving them any feedback, unless they step on my feet.. Even though they say that "you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer" I prefer to keep toxic people entirely out of my life..

Regarding the random ones who try to mess with my karma, I don't even bother anymore cause they don't deserve it.. :)

Η φιλία είναι ιερή μόνο όταν υπάρχουν "όρια"...
Φιλιά υπάρχει στα παιδιά, στους μεγάλους χάνεται...

Συμφωνώ για τα όρια.. Χρειάζονται σε όλους και πάντα..
Στα παιδιά είναι όλα πολύ πιο εύκολα.. Με τους ενήλικες χάνεται η μπάλα..

Άσε... Κι τους έχουμε ανάγκη.. αλλά που είναι...

μια απο τα ιδια θα συμφωνησω σε ολα, εγω λεω το αλλο το δν ξεπερνουν τα δαχτυλα των χεριων μου

Του ενός χεριού ή και των δύο? Γιατί αν παίζεις και στα δύο, έχεις κάμποσους.. :P (φίλους φίλους, όχι γνωστούς)

φιλους φιλους, και στα 2 αλλα δν τα ξεπερνανε!

indeed you can know many people and have many aquitancences but a real true friendship takes work and doesn't come along very often. most poeple have a close circle of friends and thats jsut all we can manage unfortunately you cant keep more than 3 or 4 people happy

That's true.. As Aristotle said: "A friend to all is a friend to none"

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