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RE: This is the clay from which life will spring. Will you bring it into being?

in #life4 years ago (edited)

Hey, Thanks for the service award. This particular message could be the foundation for the core technology that saves the human race from extinction or total reset one more time.

The thing is, its highly technical. To understand it, you need to know more science than they teach in schools. And that becomes easier to understand if you understand why major philosophers of the past from guys like Rumi to George Orwell had such a dim view of society and saw it as the enemy of individuals. Oddly enough, this is because the primary purpose of society is sociopathic towards individuals. The purpose of society is to maintain the system of relationships and responsibility of society is to preserve the society as it is, regardless and in spite of how the environment changes or threatens small numbers of individuals. The purpose of life is to grow, change, evolve and diversify; all of these will spark and develop a society that grows and evolves... putting alive individuals at odds with society overlords, leaders and core institutions. Everyone is born into slavery, a position where they cannot possibly fully express their natural tendencies and functions that are core and irrepressible for anyone who is alive.

That said, the GEET technology is not new. The success of it functioning is not first, but it is simpler to build than known designs of past inventors. It is commonly known as a fuel reformer. A technology that is not marketed globally because it is disruptive of energy distribution systems, adding a degree of freedom that devalues monopolies on fuels. This is a core change in our global economy allowed only in very limited markets (like military applications). Fuel reformers take one or more fuels and convert them to another fuel with superior performance characteristics. The GEET demonstrated some other anomalous effects (which had also been done in the past (by Viktor Schauberger during and after WWII). These ranged from healing benefits to anti-gravity. (Also done by Nikola Tesla in 1895 until his death in 195 6) Tesla did a whole list of things proving all physical interactions are operated by a wave of AEther between nuclear particles. Tesla replicated a whole list of physical actions from mechanical to nuclear events by creating and broadcasting an AEther wave remotely from his target materials that responded as if reacting with other physical matter. Essentially proving metaphysics are just applied physics. Pantone sumbled into this by accident. Tesla too got lucky, but he used electricity (very high voltages and magnetism which helped him replicate the effects without the specific materials for 1/2 the reactions. Pantone could not discern the key mechanisms that enabled his success. By comparing his device with Schauberger's and Tesla's I believe I have some idea what is going on. And a plan to prove my theories.

The fuel reformer that Pantone and Schauberger designed uses high speed molecular movement (surpassing Critical Ionozation Velocity [CIV] for the molecules, within a magnetic field that enables the release of the same waves that Tesla discovered from the fuels. The fuels fission and then fuse in the IC engines, all encapsulated and catylized by the magnetic fields of the fuel mix and equipment design. Paul knew the magnetic field was critical, but did not reveal this fact in his first technical disclosures setting up free-loading copycats for failure. only those paying his teaching fees and signing NDA and Do not compete contracts got the inside information. Viktor Schauberger apparently knew the influence of magnetism provided by water in his system, but due to the war, kept his key knowledge to himself, and not passing the technology on to anyone. Also those following him focused only on the levitation aspects, not the fuel reforming process, so they missed the secret of his fuel source altogether, ignoring his instructions to alter the fuel mix. So many people look, but do not see. (Goethe paraphrased)

Technically, anyone can replicate GEET performance with basic pipe/plumbing skills and IC engine mechanic abilities (basic trades, no PhD in quantum physics or Alchemy required. Schauberger was a forester and architect/builder, Paul a 9th grade drop-out (could not put up with BS instructors who could not talk common sense.) Neither one could see the threat Society saw in what they discovered. Tred lightly if you follow in their footsteps. In the end, Paul was focusing only on toys, he stopped chasing cars and transportation applications, but too late his success could not be allowed, they took it all (over $1Million) away with police backing. Coincidentally he died 3 months later.

With enough individuals participating, society cannot stop everyone, Or with a need that clearly will end society without the technology, it will be allowed with proper controls agreed. There is a way, societies manage change, not always by failing and collapsing, the direction we are headed now. Faith and inflexible will can make it happen. Step up, we have a glorious future ahead, heaven on Earth awaits the bold who persevere.


The operation is fundamentally simply the fuel mix must be all vapor, and have water with an electric charge mixed in. The whole mix is accelerated by a vacuum or low pressure that runs from intake to exhaust. Circulating the mix in vortex or spiral patterns will produce a self-accelerating effect that will fission the mixture to very light atomic plasma with diamagnetic properties. The gas, inside charged or magnetized vessels will continue to accelerate and will be sucked into a condition of compression, which will cause the diamagnetic water vapor to condense, implode providing significant mechanical energy for self-propulsion, and a release of very high current electricity for further fusion of the remaining atoms into pure water and clean, virgin-air. Using Edwin Gray's patented circuit, the emitted AEther waves can be captured and converted into electricity, or beamed using Tesla's antennae innovations for multiple direct application of remotely initiated physical reactions of various types. From accelerated crop growth, to xray or soft tissue-rays or magnetic effects that cannot be shielded. (EMP beams) to high bandwidth, unlimited communications and power transmissions. '"Party on dudes, be good to each other." (Bill & Ted) Dr. B.

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