A Letter to Joseph Alan

in #life7 years ago

This is my third letter to my loved ones. drjohnthumb.JPG

Dear Joe,

Your life has been difficult so far. I am to be blamed. The timing of unexpected circumstances in my life seemed to splash over into yours. But your inability to break the dreaded hereditary chain is also to blame. You have proven yourself to be extraordinarily like me. So... my fault again, but this time the situation was completely out of my control.

The good news is my life example to you has motivated you to take a different path than I did. I cheer your ambition an adventurous approach. In the long run, you will probably do great things.

You have a problem getting people to recognize your character/worth. I believe you expect others to see the value you offer. If they do not see, you let them go away blind. Your way or the highway? This is fine with me. I have known you long enough to suggest that the insight you were born with should be cherished rather than changed.

Now... about your current phase of fast boats and girls in bikinis... I have never been there, so I have nothing to say other than use caution. Before you were born, your uncle Jim attempted to have a bikini contest at his electronics store. The criteria was to offer a complete system to the girl who wore the lightest(by weight) bikini into the store. They had to get a fractional gram scale to complete the judging. Try to imagine the ruckus he caused.

Listen to Roy for his wisdom. He is a great friend. His wisdom is priceless as is mine, but you know that. I'm sure you are laughing.

Never underestimate the power of your mind! A compassionate soul combined with your life experience is your treasure.

Remember that 'fear' is a stronger motivator than 'greed' as you sell and manage the real estate market in Austin.

I am proud of you and love you very much.

your dad,

Here is a photo to remind you of old times...


The car reminds me of my sports car back in the time of my youth. Have a good day.

Great car!

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