The Marvelous Touch of The Master

in #life6 years ago

Gurus' Affection

From childhood, Vivekananda used to light his eyes before sleeping every night when he saw the illuminating light point in the middle of the sea. It changed the light-point color; Shaniya: It seems to be expanding and the shape of the ball gets torn, and from its head to feet, its whole body is taken in white light. For years, the child Vivekananda kept thinking that everyone has this experience of sleeping time. The significance of this light came to Vivekananda when he saw the great Saint Ramkrishna Paramahansa and whose grace awakened his inner power.
At the age of eighteen, Vivekananda was a student of the college and used to argue with his friends and teachers about the nature of life.
His first meeting with Ramakrishna took place in a Satsang held at the house of one of his friends.
Saint Ramakrishna invited him to his home, which was in the premises of a temple. On the second occasion, Ramakrishna took young Vivekananda into a separate room and told him that he was born by the inspiration of divine power. They said that they were waiting for Vivekananda's arrival since then. On that day, Vivekananda got the opportunity to live long in the proximity of Saint Ramakrishna, in which his own consciousness, his understanding began to undergo unprecedented change.
Now Vivekananda's visit to Sri Ramakrishna starts coming from Kolkata to Dakshineswar. When Sri Ramakrishna asked him to read the books of the Vedas, to create an understanding of being united to God and the soul, Vivekananda said in the resistance, "What is the difference between it and atheism? How can the soul that is created be able to tell us the Creator? What could be more sin than this? What is all this foolishness - I am God, you are God, the object that is produced and death is attained, is all God? Of these books, all the inscriptions of these Vedas will be wise, otherwise, how could they write such a thing of foolishness? "
One day, Vivekananda was pained on the foolishness of Vedanta with another devotee of Shri Ramakrishna. He asked, "Can it be that Lota is God and glass, and whatever else we see and we all are God?" When the two were laughing at the stupidity of these thoughts, then Shri Ramakrishna came out there and He asked the reason for laughing, but before hearing the answer, he touched Vivekananda with his loving hand.
"And then," Vivekananda later said, "With the unique touch of my Guru, there was a complete revolution in my mind. When I realized that there is virtually nothing other than God in this entire universe. I was stunned. "
After this feeling, he remained calm for quite a long time and wondered how long the perception of this unique perception will continue. This feeling was with them all day. When he went home, as soon as he entered the house, he felt the same joy, the same divinity that he had in Dakshineswara.
"Whatever I saw was only God, only God ... and nothing but God."
Their mother served me food As soon as they sat down to eat, in the food, on the plate, in the mother serving food, and seeing themselves only in their own eyes, they got overwhelmed. Somehow after eating two husks, they remained sitting on the table without talking, without speaking, quietly. Seeing them in this situation, his mother asked, "Why are you so quiet? Why not eat? "
With this shock, he returned to the consciousness of his body. In the same day, how many times, eating, drinking, walking on the road, sitting in the room - the same intoxication, that fun was over their entire power. At that time, for his divine experience, he only can say that the description is beyond words. But in the years to come, he describes his position beautifully. The first Indian to be advertised in the west of the philosophy of Advaitism became Vedantin and gave the impression to thousands of people in this supreme knowledge which probably never learn about life in this matter.


“Wonderful, touching, and terrifying writing.

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