The Next Time I Leave the USA, I Am Not Coming Back...

in #life6 years ago

First let me say, I'm sorry I haven't been posting much of anything in the last few weeks.

I took a strong week off, when I first got back from Anarchopulco just to reflect and process the experience and formulate some plans for the next few months of my life. Admittedly traveling back from Mexico was a royal pain in the ass and not something that I ever want to experience again.

That was the start of a downward spiral I'd like to call my re-introduction to America. Being trapped in Baltimore Grayhound station was excruciating. After spending a few days home I was tasked with headed to Brooklyn Washington DC to visit some friends and participate in the Meeting of the Minds event that was going on there. While the event itself was excellent, 2 1/2 days of public transportation really took a lot out of me, mentally, and physically. I caught a cold of some sort on my way home and spent the next week basically bed-ridden congested, fever, endlessly tired. I feel like I am just now getting over it. Which brings me to the my next issue. I am fucking depressed as shit.. This place sucks, trailer park surrounded by garbage, pests, and low IQ humans relentlessly perusing gluttony, and producing massive waste along the way.

It's almost a tragedy, I so much enjoyed my time with my Tribe in Mexico, but now upon returning home, I am fucking miserable, the contrast between being in that environment and this one is palpable. And this has happened to me before, when I returned from The Freedom House In Texas .. I got depressed for a few months.

The moral of the story is, It's time for a change, I am no long, nor could I be, satisfied with this life here, I don't understand these people, I cannot communicate with them. There is little to no economic opportunity here, there seems to be less and less holding me no only to this home, but also to this failing police state of a country. From this point I believe that I am going to start looking for a way out.

Unfortunately this might I emphasize might take a way from some of my activism. Both the depression and the desire to escape this situation inherently takes my mental facilities away from other projects. I'm still an Anarchist, An Agorist, and an Activist I will always live this lifestyle.

But. Simply put.. the next time I get a ticket out of this place -- I'm not coming back --


I empathize with what you're going through Danny, and I know it's a vast world of difference from being around conscious minded folk in comparison to the mundanes we see in every day life, whom you truly cannot communicate with. I have had the same problem here, they do not seem to be interested in the same ideas, and that makes it hard to form any kind of cohesive group of freedom loving individuals.

I hope you overcome your depression, and I would consider asking if you could help out in building an intentional community down in Texas, if you're able. This will give you the opportunity to do what you love and a change of environment. I am interested in doing the same myself, and would be willing to travel to help out.

What you have explained here is EXACTLY why I moved away from VA and the east coast. So many more like minded people and opportunity here in Oregon. Have you ever thought about coming out to the west coast? It changed my life forever in a very positive way.

Oregon is nice. The rent here is astronomical the closer you get to Portland though. I highly recommend either Rockaway Beach or somewhere along the coast range. People are friendly and the rent is much cheaper than the metro area.

Renting outside of Portland is smart, but if you know people in the city that can give you more affordable rent then you can live there. I spent most of last summer near Salem, but I live in Portland now (and in the past). It is really nice to live here. There is just sooooo much opportunity. Craigslist, Offerup, and the Goodwill Bins here are amazing. Crazy deals all over the place. There is also a lot of work available as well as events of all kinds year around.

Trust me. My family feels the same way. We are actually about to seek political asylum in either Mexico or possibly somewhere else. Not sure where, but staying here is soul sucking and not worth the pain anymore.

Thank you for all your comments everyone.

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