The Problem with Bucket Lists and How to Fix It

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hi all,

In this short video I want to talk with you about the bucket list. As you probably know, a bucket list is a list of all the goals you want to achieve and life experiences you want to have before you die.

Probably you have a bucket list as well, in your head or even on paper. When I think about my list, it’s pretty long, but it used to be much longer. Not because I crossed of a lot of items, but I removed a lot of items.

In essence it is a good list, but there is one big problem with bucket lists. We are excited about everything that is on it, but we don’t feel like putting in the work.

We only want to result. We tend to forget that we need to sacrifice things, in terms of time, energy and money, in order get what we want.

We want to run a marathon, backpack through Australia or start our own business. But is most cases we don’t particularly like the process of how to get there. Therefore the item just stays on the bucket list forever.

So, we should not tweak our list by asking if we really want something, instead, we should ask: “Do I want the process?” and “Do I want what it takes to get there?”

For example, if climbing Mt. Everest is on your list, ask yourself: “Do I want to save the money that I need for the trip and do I want to do all necessary training?"

So as a conclusion, I think all bucket lists need two columns. One for the result/outcome and one for the process. We NEED to write down for each desired result what it takes in terms of money, time and effort. That is how we can decide on what we actually really want to experience in life.

That was it. Please let me know if you agree with me or not in the comments.


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This is a good point. Putting together this list will help us keep our eyes on the prize especially when we are grinding through life towards those slowly. If you bucket list becomes populated with romantic notions of what will never be, you can see it become less and less inspirational.

Maybe a pruning of the list will keep us more focused and motivated. We do change and so does out situation and ability to hurdle obstacles.

How about putting those items on a secondary list to revisit later.

You can definitely have save-for-later list, but I think you should just have one 'compass' to guide you through life's choices.

I actually use a slightly different form of bucket lost and will talk about it in another video. But since most people are familiar with the 'bucket list' I thought I'd start with this one :-)

Good strategy. You are obviously on my feed (which I also prune to keep clutter out ;) and I look forward to the next video.


Having a secondary list is not a bad idea. But I feel it would distract the focus meant for the primary list.

I need to take another look at my bucket list 📃.

Obviously, I've got some eviction duty to do on that list. Some things just made it to the list because they sounded pretty nice.

Thanks for sharing this

Cheers @cryptotem

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Great goal @m3voice and good luck!

Great Guidance post If anyone will follow your Bucket List sincerely that will definitely get success thanks for this great post keep it up I will wait for your next post @cryptotem

Very informative post😊

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