How to get your SHIT Together!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Just remember! No one is perfect!!!

A New Year has come, and I want to share with all of you my experience, it’s the perfect time to make some change in our lives and leave the bad habits behind. If you’re like most of us, you’ve made ambitious New Year’s resolutions and maybe even started to already implement them. Unfortunately, following through with those resolutions is much harder - according to some studies, only 9% of people fully achieve their New Year’s goals. But stay strong my Friend – today I will teach you three key self-improvement techniques, which will get you on your way to achieving (and exceeding) your goals, and becoming the best version of yourself!

Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals

The first step after setting your foot on the self-improvement path is having clear, measurable goals that you can track during your process. Nebulous goals without concrete details, like “I will get a job” are a productive person’s worst enemy since they prevent you from having a clear overview of the next steps you need to take on the road to success. During the last few decades, the so-called S.M.A.R.T. approach to goal setting has become the gold standard, for individuals and companies alike. So what does the S.M.A.R.T. acronym stand for?


1.Specific: if your goal is specific, it provides more motivation and a clearer sense of urgency. When defining a goal, you should answer your self the five “W” questions:

What am I trying to accomplish?
Why is it important?
Who is involved?
Where is it located?
Which resources do I need?

2.Measurable: setting a measurable goal means answering the questions:
-How much?
-How many?
-When will I know when it’s complete?

This will allow you to track your progress and feel a sense of accomplishment with each step you get closer to the goal.

3.Attainable: setting overly-ambitious goals can often be unproductive and lead to low self-esteem if they aren’t achieved. Taking into account multiple factors, such as external constraints and possible setbacks, will prepare you for the most likely scenario and get you over the finish line.

4.Relevant: it’s also important to reflect on your goal and ensure that your goal really matters to you and that it aligns with other relevant goals, as well as to determine whether it is the right time and place to pursue it.

5.Time-bound: in order to structure your short-term and long-term actions, your goal should have a target date, as well as actions you can make today, six weeks from now, and six months from now.

Using the S.M.A.R.T. approach in goal setting, you’ll have a clear plan of action and a strong foundation for achieving any (realistic) self-improvement goal.

Increasing willpower

Having clear goals, however, is only one part of the self-improvement puzzle. In order to implement your plans into action and avoid procrastination, you will need a strong willpower. Since our brain isn’t much different from our hunter-gatherer ancestor’s brains, it tends to default to “automatic mode” as much as possible when it comes to familiar situations and habits (e.g. driving home from work and not remembering the trip itself). The more we indulge ourselves in this „autopilot mode“, the more likely we are to procrastinate and the more difficult it is to break a bad habit. Luckily, many scientific studies have identified a few simple routines you can use to retrain your brain to favor conscious rational decision making rather than habitual functioning, and vastly improve your willpower in as little as two weeks:

  • Using your non-dominant hand: ✋The brain is used to doing things with the dominant hand, so switching to your non-dominant hand for an hour every day will create a habit to be in a focused and productive state of mind during the day.
  • Maintaining good posture: Another great method of improving your willpower is setting a time of the day when you'll adjust your posture each time you realize you're slouching. Many studies have proven this method to be highly effective for increasing willpower and concentration.
  • Keeping a food journal: 🍲 In one study, participants were much more persistent in their tasks after keeping a food journal for only two weeks. This is another way of keeping your brain alert and conscious throughout your daily routine.
    After doing these mental exercises for a month or two, you’ll likely shrug off any bad habit or procrastination much more easily, which will help you immensely on your self-improvement journey.

Practicing mindfulness meditation

If someone told you there was a scientifically proven technique to vastly reduce depression, stress and anxiety, holistically improve various cognitive skills and boost your immunity and overall health (and that it only takes 10 minutes of your time a day!), you would probably think that it’s too good to be true. And yet, many scientific studies and millions of practitioners worldwide have attributed all of these effects to mindfulness meditation (also known as vipassana meditation). Although it takes years to master the technique of mindfulness meditation, the essentials steps are rather simple:

  • 1.Find a peaceful place where you won’t be interrupted.
  • 2.Take your seat – it can be a cushion, a chair or anything that provides a stable seat. If you are sitting on a cushion, cross your legs in a way that doesn’t create discomfort. If you are sitting on a chair, your feet should be touching the floor.
  • 3.Put your hands on the tops of your legs and relax them completely. Adjust your upper body so that it’s straight, but not stiff.
  • 4.If it suits you, you can close your eyes completely, or simply let your gaze fall downward without focusing on anything in particular.
  • 5.Relax, and bring your attention to the sensation of your breath. Observe the sensations in your nose, lungs or stomach as you inhale and exhale.
  • 6.If your mind wanders (which is completely normal), bring it back to the breath.

You should try to bring your mind into a state of observation without explicit thoughts, such as „I am now exhaling“. Various thoughts may distract you in this process, but as soon as you notice your mind is wandering, slowly bring it back to the breath. A good technique is to count your breaths, counting both inhalations and exhalations. Once you reach ten, start from one again and repeat the process until your mind is no longer wandering. This practice should help you overcome everyday problems much more easily, as well as improve many aspects of your physical and mental health, including general motivation and discipline.
Now you have the knowledge necessary to start your self-improvement journey, it’s up to you to apply it!

I hope you enjoyed my hard work, and I encourage you to publish your own work.

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©2017 Mark P. All rights reserved.

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so true

It's that time of the year again. We can see how much effort you've put up for this post!

The tips are very easy to adapt as well, although we will be needing sufficient willpower to carry on and stick with the plan of action.

We also admire how you put emphasis on including meditation as an essential part of achieving the goals. @anotsopopularkid was able to meet a like-minded individual (shoutout to @myndnow). He's also into meditation.

Wishing you a fantastic New Year!

Trulatoo, thank you for your feedback! I will more than happy to follow a like-minded people here.

I think I'm in love but that's not a SMART goal. I do love this article and I agree one hundred %, but if I may criticize I think you should add one thing. It is more along the lines of mindfulness, in fact they go dominant hand in hand. Believe it and think it and say it and it will be. We are one kind of thing if you catch my drift.

Otherwise :

Thank you @adamrant for an honest feedback. For some people, this article will be useless but for some eye-opening. Everything matters how you were brought up and what lessons you were given.

With enough people talking about all of this and just being positive in general things will hopefully get straitened out to the point humanity reaches the right side of critical mass you know.

NICE NICE NICE!!! Congratulations with Lvl 26!! Beautiful publication! Like it all! Good blog for this time of year! Lets re evaluate,, set new goals for 2018 and Implement with conviction all year long!

Leo, It feels it took ages to get to the lvl.26 😂

It took 3 post and a few hours Bro! Ages is when a writer produces a book for 29 years! Beautiful formatting bro!

Mark I really liked your post! Felt your effort! The post was very useful and beautiful!

Thank you my dear! Keep the love ones next to you and Happy New Year!

Thank you for the nice greetings! Happy new year!!! Wealth in all its manifestations!

Прекрасный пост! Здорово, что добавил даже про медитацию! Многие люди недооценивают ее силу, к сожалению!

Спасибо Дашуль, в этом есть своя тайная сила, в которой мы "Люди" очень мало чего еще знаем!


Great post! Super helpful, much needed! 😊

I'm glad to contribute my work in here.

Thanks for the tips man! Great post! Keep it up! 😀

Working hard to give only the best for Steemiens!

I found this on the Steemit chat.

First off, I love the formatting of this post. It was very easy to read. I also like the pacing. You went straight and to the point. The gifs were even a nice plus!

As for the content, you are absolutely right.

I read somewhere else about using your less-dominate hand to do things but I never thought it would work for productivity. The person I learned from said to use your less dominant hand to get rid of a bad mood quicker. I think i'll start doing that for a week and record my progress.

Glad you mentioned good posture. I discovered the importance of this and I found that I wasn't getting enough oxygen. Using our electronics all the time keeps us from getting oxygen to our brain and we're not functioning like we should.

Good posture is fantastic for meditation. Get in oxygen and just let your mind roam free while you come up with ideas.

Take care today! Peace and love!

@shaunonsite, thank you for such an honest feedback. I'm glad people can see my hard work here, and I hope it will pay off very soon. Let me know how your process goes. Happy New Year. Started following your work as well :)


I started my progress December 1st. I do not wait until the new year, I get to it ASAP.

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