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in #life7 years ago

No sift.. Its not like this.. Never we are opressed.. Never..
I have full freedom.. Freedom of everything.. What you think is freedom.. I have all.. I have no restrictions..
Do you ever read quran? Quran is islam.. Islam is quran.. What you heard from others what yoy heard from opponents is myth.. Reality you can see only when you ll read the book that is actual word of god.. May be you ll not believe me your myths ll not allow you to do it.. So better way to know anything is this that experiment it.. Read it analyse it then think about it but not with douted heart with pure heart..
You asked me that we are opressed.. But i can go to market college uni even after wedding i did masters of education.. I did job.. I did what i wish my husband my family neva stopped me.. How can i be opressed..? I have all facilities to enjoy cell phone internet whatever you think is a facility... Women of my family are doing jobs business having business of schools colleges doing trade..
They all business ladies have their own big houses alot of servants at home.. Many of them are doctors pharmacists thetapists etc.. All are doing work.. Some take abayas with their own wish many dont take abaya.. I neva heard a quarrel in any family on this topic.. Sift religions are not myths.. This is a long topic.. I ll try to summon it in short essay.. Tell me did you ever study quran? If not then you cant say without reading it anything about it.. Like a many myths and stories we heard in our childhood about many things like we heard many stories about earth shape or sunset and sunrise places.. But scienve proved all that were wrong.. How you know that they were wrong.. Or how you know that what is science theories.. By reading them.. So read Quran once in your life.. And then after reading it you can ask from your heart ir quran a myth or reality?


No - I never read any religious books - my favourite book of wisdom is Catch 22

We watch the women at the mosque enter by the side door while the men enter the main entrance, they prey on Sunday while the men prey on Friday, (they say Friday is better) and we watch the women walk 10 feet behind the men looking at the ground with their heads covered - all of this speaks louder than any book.

In New Zealand wearing an abaya pretty much means no job...

Few things our religion do not teach.. But its in our societys roots as hundreds of years in pak and india hindu and muslim live together.. Disrespect of woman, consider her low standard etc were in hindu religion as they had four casts the lower were shoudr and higher was brhamn.. Shoudr even cant touch and see at brhman face.. Shoudrs place was in feet.. Now india is better.. Even they buried or murdered girls coz being a father of girl is a shame in indian society just like before islam in saudia this thing was common in arabic people but before islam.. When islam came it was prohibited and banned.. Islam give much honor and respect to ladies.. Everything banned in islam has some solid reason behind it.. Like you drink wine.. Wine is banned in islam and 1400 years ago god tell us that wine is bad for health and after drinking it man loose his control on himself and can commet any crime so god banned it.. And its for human sake not for god sake.. Actually anything that has some severe bad effects on human health or soul or harmful for humanity is banned in islam and todays science proved all those things that god tell us in quran 1400 years ago.. Can you allow your kid to jump from a high building to commit suicide? Surely you ll not.. Then how can a god who create us who love who create whole wotrld and love it how can he allow us to do anything that is bad for us..many bad things you ll see in muslim society is not islam.. Its our regions culture our own shortcomings its due to our ignorance and due to leaving quran.. Its not quran or islam fault.. Like dowry.. Islam has clear system of rules and regulations.. Islam said that man is the manager of home or president of home its his duty to protect all women of home respect women of home its his duty to provide all necessities of life to his women.. Finance is mens duty in islam.. So it is the reason that islam give some more power to man in management on the other hand god say that woman is physically week and its true we are.. Woman cant do as hard work as man can do.. On the other hand woman bear pain of delevery and after that he become more week then she unable to work on two places like outside job and inside kids care and household work.. So islam give managed solution.. He divided duties finance is duty of man and home is duty of woman.. But interesting thing is this that islam neva banned ladies outside work.. Islam allowed if you need or society need a woman services she can do work can earn and she is only owner of her income or earning.. Still finance is man duty not woman.. So in this respect dowry is not islam custom.. Islam insists simplicity so simple marriage ceremony is in islam.. As i described above in india a daughter is consider burden so the boy who married her demanded girls parents to give him some paymnt as he was taking their burden on his shoulders so girls parents try to give many things like furniture house car bike etc what boy or his parents demand from them.. So dowry culture is still in our society as hindu muslim lived together.. But its not in islam.. Islam said its not girl or girls parents duty to provide any finance to boy rather its boy duty to earn and provide everything to girl.. On the other hand islam give equal status to both man in woman in all other aspects.. Like if they say prayers both ll equalky rewarded in home both have equal status if man is president at home then woman is her prime minister.. I am so blessed so respected being a woman muslim woman that no other religion give such respect to woman.. What i earn i can spent where i want its not my duty to spent at my hby and kids but what my hby earn his duty to spent on us.. And he always do.. In many otger respects i have many benefits.. So our societies have many wrong things wrong cultures that are not in islam.. Its true we are away from true teachings of islam.. Its our fault that we are not good muslims not islam or allah fault..

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