The importance of dialogue in our lives

in #life6 years ago

The importance of dialogue in our lives


God Almighty created man, and his generosity to the rest of the creatures, and distinguish it with reason and will, and thus be parted in the Hereafter, and make man male and female, and use it in the land for its architecture, and the formation of societies in which justice and good, and to achieve that was necessary to meet people and coexist together, Almighty: (O mankind ! We have created you male and female and made you into nations and tribes) ; [1] can not be generalized human land and establish societies only through positive interaction with others, and effective in building relationships between Alp methods T dialogue . [2]

The meaning of dialogue

The dialogue defines a language as a discussion or a conversation between two or more persons, [3] and defines a term as: a conversation between two or two groups on a specific topic; each has its own point of view, whose goal is to reach the truth or to the greatest extent possible , Away from adversity or intolerance, in a way that depends on science and reason, with both parties willing to accept the truth even if it appeared at the hands of the other party. [4]

Human need for dialogue

God makes man able to communicate since birth to be able to secure his biological and psychological needs together, he begins to communicate visually with those around him, then the smile is formed as evidence of his interaction and communication with the surrounding community, then the words come to be the language is the key to the formation of relations between people , And this is what distinguishes man from the rest of the living beings; Humans need dialogue is one of the most important means of communication in different stages of their lives and social attitudes; dialogue is the language of understanding between people, and the way to reach them to their desired goals. [5]

The man must do his best to learn the dialogue and practice it; to be a dialogue effectively with others; and that there are differences between them; where to make each person continues to speak and understand different from the other way, the God Almighty said: (and made you into nations and tribes) , [6] People They need different methods and different skills in dealing with each other. The most important of these methods is to open channels of communication between the two parties based on effective listening and interaction, through verbal language, ie direct speech, nonverbal language called body language, Between them the dialogue was more effective .

The importance of dialogue

The importance of dialogue in personal and practical life

Dialogue is one of the most important characteristics of human beings from the rest of creatures. It is an advantage not only for itself, but also for the realization of the purposes of human creation on this earth; dialogue achieves several things, including: [7]

  • The harmony between people and the spread of love among them, which contributes to the existence of good societies; to the dialogue creates comfort for people, and the ability to express their feelings and ideas in a safe environment.

  • Building societies Through effective dialogue, community members share ideas and information, build and rebuild them, contributing to the development of society and individuals.

  • Dialogue is an effective way of communicating with family members. When parents are good interlocutors with their children, they have the opportunity to learn about the positive and negative aspects of themselves and their children, and they can contribute to changing them. Family dialogue is essential for the formation of an ideal family.

  • Justice can only be achieved by listening to individuals, listening to them and discussing any issue or problem they share. The absence of an effective dialogue means a deficient reality and a distorted justice.

  • The exchange of information, cultures and experiences among people. Experience can not be learned and shared only through dialogue, which will positively affect the advancement and progress of societies.

The importance of dialogue in family life

Dr. John Gray recommends Btjnzb arguments between the couple; because controversies destroy emotional life between them, usually turns the dispute to talk and then rages to become a debate negatively affects the psyche of both parties, not only hurt the feelings of each other, [8] and raises in turn another way To resolve the differences between the spouses based on mutual dialogue, instead of controversy and the wounding of emotions requires both parties to clarify what they want, and to express their feelings calmly; men and women are different in nature, and the best way to avoid violent controversies is the friendly communication based on dialogue and Ram; because with the lack of respect the other party will be humiliated, closing any door of understanding and dialogue . [8]

The usefulness of dialogue in this case is to understand the reality of the feelings on which the dispute is based, and then to understand and accept it, and to try to reach a common solution. Dr. John Gray argues that behavior that destroys the possibility of dialogue should be avoided, such as: start fighting and retaliation, or withdraw from the debate, resulting in useless scars; a person should take a compromise between the two. [8]

Richard Carlson points out that the basics overcome the problems between the spouses of dialogue and listening to the other party, and states that women in particular need to be listening to them by their husbands, without barriers between the parties or directing hasty judgments, but the dialogue to listen and listen to the other party . [9]

The importance of dialogue to the mind

Taha Abdel Rahman believes that dialogue has a central place in the development of human knowledge and perception, in three ways: [10]

  • The first aspect: the dialogue opens grater on different roads leading to the truth; The road to truth is not one, but there are several ways, and if a person is limited to himself in his thoughts will be deprived himself of other ways that lead to the truth, which T_n human dialogue with others, and the exchange of knowledge and ideas .

  • The second point is that the dialogue serves to sharpen the differences between the ideas. With the exchange of ideas and dialogue, the gap between the two parties is narrowed. This may develop into adopting the ideas of the other violator and using them as new evidence for new ideas. As the thinker Taha Abdel Rahman says: Dialogue is medicine.

  • Third, dialogue contributes to the deepening of the individual's thoughts and perceptions; the human mind fluctuates and changes in his awareness of things. This is done only by identifying the new ideas that are violating, and by identifying the other's possessions instead of the inertia and understanding of what is.

Essential elements of effective dialogue

The dialogue can be both negative and ineffective if it is based on unilaterally putting forward ideas and things, while the other side is not respectful, and the use of bad words and harsh physical expressions to stop being a dialogue and become a debate or conflict only destroys relations. Which is basically aimed at building and developing relationships. [11]

There must be several elements; the dialogue must be positively constructive and constructive, as follows: [11]

  • Respect the other

  • The environment should be suitable for dialogue

  • Find out why you communicate with others

  • Visual communication with the other.

  • Gantha to any verbal or physical responses from the other.

  • Provide an appropriate time for effective listening.

  • Discussing the other and paying attention to his reactions;

  • Enter humor and fun during the dialogue .


1- ↑ Al rooms, verse: 13.
2- ↑ International Islamic Committee for Women and Children (2008), Family Charter in Islam ( the first edition), Amman , Jordan: Afaf Charity Association, page: 102.
3- ↑ "Meaning of the word dialogue" , meanings .
4- ↑ Bassam Ajak (1418 AH), Islamic-Christian Dialogue (First Edition), Damascus: Dar Qutaiba, page 20.
5- ↑ Shafiq Alawneh (2004), The Psychology of Human Development from childhood to adulthood (first edition), Amman-Jordan: Dar al-Masirah, page 239.
6- ↑ Al rooms, verse: 13.
7- ↑ Hussein Glob (2010), Communication Skills with Others (First Edition), Amman-Jordan: Dar Knooz Al-Knowledge, page 22.
8- ^ A b v John Gray (2004), men are from Mars and women from Venus (second edition), Riyadh: Jarir Bookstore, Page: 211-212.
9- ↑ Richard Carlsson (2004), Do not Care About Small Things (5th Edition), Riyadh: Jarir Bookstore, pp. 29-30.
10- ↑ Taha Abdel Rahman (2011), Dialogues for the Future (First Edition), Beirut: Arab Network for Research and Publishing, page 7-8.
11- ^ A b Hussein Globe (2010), communication skills with others (first edition), Amman , Jordan: Dar treasures of knowledge, page: 26.

By Sanae Dwikat


am amazed you are quite informative, am glad you nailed each point on the cross as it should be

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Human language and communication, also differentiates us from animals.

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