An Ode to Strong Women (and thank you to the Men who give a damn...)

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Standing surrounded but kept far apart
being the joke , but we'll be lighting THAT spark...
Go ahead smile and emotions are played?
the road to Hell paved with intentions best laid...
Ode to the women who fight till the end
who put up with boys who pretend to be men
Ode to the mothers, the sisters the lovers...
who get up and work while some hide under covers
Holding it down in the face of of the fight
You wanna push left then I'll boot you stage right...
Cheers to the ladies who keep posting on
You are not alone, together we're strong

next time you wanna tell some of that we are dumb bitches or to fight like a girl, remember we tend not to ride alone...!!!

(giphy, #thealliance #teamsugars #teamgood #thankful for a special someone giving me strength (not on steemit)


Strong women > Weak women

I respect women who take a stand and aren't afraid of what people think of them.

Awesomely put !!! mic drop
:* :* :*

the more of us that can onboard, stand our ground and collaborate the better
thank ya for readin the post

Also I'm sorry I can't upvote this more than 100%.

road trip?

Girl I'm down. But got some shit to do before driving off the cliff. Also, you can have Thelma and Louise Brad Pitt, but I get Fight Club Brad Pitt. LOL <3

St Pattys special. From Boondock Saints. A family prayer about slaying the wicked and protecting others.

And Shepherds we shall be

For thee, my Lord, for thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand

Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee

And teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti.

Love strong woman and try to give a damn. :) <3

VG! how you been, <3

I’m a huge supporter of women empowering women! And like always your posts are Life! @battleaxe

There no better way to ride than with your sisters! 😊

Truly it's because of the women, men are here in the world, we often forget there importance, but I think they are the one who should be highly appreciated as they run the whole world

A former employee I spoke with (at least at that time) said no women worked for Steemit, not surprised given the history of how it has acted, oh wait, I was told the 'girl making coffee was cool'
you have women on here who are assets and we talk, that we do. A lot of us shrugged off putting a dime into this platform because we've witnessed or experienced first hand everything from harassment, stalking, threats and organized attacks carried out , why just scroll down my blog to the domestic violence section (will take a bit) and you can see for yourself "the culture" of this place.

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