You Need To Dig Really Fucking Deep Because Saying You Love It Isn't Enough

in #life6 years ago

When it comes to passion, most of us are only skimming the surface. We're merely touching the tip of the iceberg.

We say things like, "This is my passion."

"I love it."

"Oh yeah, it keeps me fit and it's my way of relaxing."

And then of course, you've your definition of passion the realm of business where people exclaim, "Do what you love and you wouldn't have to work a day in your life!"

"I love helping people! I love travelling the world! I love the financial freedom!"

Let me be perhaps the first to say it:

If that is all you're saying, then your passion is weak as fuck.

I don't think it's strong enough to get you out of bed.

This is me.

I am Alden Tan. I am a Bboy (breakdancer.) 

I've been dancing for over 15 years now. 

I am not the best. It's not like I win a lot of competitions. It's not like you can find a ton of cool videos of me on YouTube either.

Heck, it's not like I enjoy dancing all the time. Sometimes, it feels like a drag just to get out of the house to head for practice. 

And often times, it feels extremely frustrating to practice so hard and not feel a sense of progress.

But why then? Why do I do it? Why do I love it so much?

Because my dad died of ALS when I was only 20.

Yes, I've had my life lessons and all that.

No, I am not about to spew forth shit like, "Life is too short." You already know that.

Here's my ultimate WHY:

In life, the very things you work hard for, be it money, career, some brand new car or even relationships, they can taken away for reasons you can't even understand at anytime.

I felt this like a powerful blow to the face, mind, heart and soul the day my dad died.

But when I am dancing, creating new movements and letting the music take control, that is a feeling nothing and no one in this world can take away from me.

That's why I love it so fucking much.

It is mine alone and with me forever.

Small series of photos of me dancing over the years

Over the years, it became my identity. It is who I am.

Passion is your eventual identity.

And then I let the little benefits flow into my life:

It keeps me fit and flexible.

It makes feel young and look young. Nobody ever gets my age right on first guess, which is cool by me.

It has opened up the world to me as I made friends from all over the world. Top pic: a fellow Thai Bboy in Bangkok. Bottom pic: one of my favorite Bboys from America. He has never been to Singapore, so I went to Taipei just to see him there when he was judging a competition. 

It gave me the courage to truly liberate myself and do what I want without permission. Admittedly, the idea of getting tattoos came to me when I saw other Bboys with tattoos on their forearms. I always felt it makes them look more charismatic on the dance floor.

All of this has been possible in my life cause I've dug fucking deep. 

I have with me a reason no one can take away from me.

So it's time for you to do the same if you're still searching for something meaningful in your life.

Still searching?

Dig fucking deep.

Don't just say you love it.

Don't just say it's a cool hobby or interest you do every week.

Don't just say it makes you money.

Don't just say that it's fun.

Don't just say it's because others do it too and they keep you company.

Don't just say it's because you enjoy helping others even. You get to watch out for yourself too.

Dig fucking deep, right down to your very core and soul.

Let it be your identity.

That is your real passion.

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