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RE: Attention TV & Movie Producers: Please Stop Re-Writing Male Parts for Women

in #life7 years ago

We are now entering the twilight zone, where women are the ones losing the right to their identity as women. Your article brought to mind a pet peeve of mine, which goes quite a bit further than male roles being redesigned to fit women. We now have men assuming the identities of women in the form of transsexuals, and I don't think it will be very long before the big women stars in films will be transsexuals. At that time we will have male roles re-purposed as women's roles, being played by women who used to be men. In other words, we're going back to the era where all theatrical roles were played by men, including women's roles.

It is a sad, sad world that we live in, when women put up with this and don't say 'stop the nonsense'. Instead of fixating on sexuality, writers should fixating on writing stories worth watching / reading. I am certain the sex is there simply to hide the fact that there is no actual story line.

Good piece. I appreciate a woman standing up and saying women would be better served by creating real women heroes.


I'm so glad you liked the article, and thank you for your thoughtful comments on it. I agree with you so much. Women are losing our right to identify as women. I've seen it in comments on so many news articles. Those of us who are women and identify as women ONLY (and men who identify as men ONLY) are somehow seen as villains and oppressors. There are people out there who really hate those who identify with the sex they were born with, and nothing else.

There could be a time when women who want to be women and only women have to hide that opinion. Same thing for the men.

I would like everyone to be able to be who they know they are, without being insulted or viewed as evil for it. And, I would VERY much like there to be new, original female heroes. We don't NEED to take over male roles. I don't want us to. Let the men keep on being The Doctor, James Bond, and more, and make new, equally awesome (but entirely original) heroic characters for women. Why can't the entertainment industry seem to make that perfectly logical leap, and why are so many people okay with it, and even encouraging of it? I don't get it.

It may sound strange, but I think women are being pushed back, slowly but surely, into the role of breeders and nothing more. These masculinized women's roles reflect - to me at least - a fear of the fully empowered woman a la Wonder Woman. She can kick ass, but still be a woman. She can do what men do, and beat the crap out of them, and still be a woman. Too much of a threat in that.

I think we are regressing to ancient Greece and ancient Rome, where men sought out other men for pleasure, and women were relegated to the practical use of reproduction. I am sure you are familiar with hosenrolle in opera. Well, this is hosenrolle in reverse: roles designed for men to play, with plenty of time 'disguised' as someone of their own gender. The concept of 'woman' is being served up to men as men in drag, basically. Schade! Women go along with it because it's go along, or become obsolete. And, of course, there is all the brainwashing young women go through watching these things...

By the way, have you heard of the steemit group 'deepthink'? Maybe you would be interested. Check out the guidelines if you're interested.

I think you're right, sadly. This society. I just don't know. We're moving backward in so many ways, that's for sure. Sometimes, I feel like we must be living in an alternate universe, and I'd like to get back to my original one.

I'll check out the link. It sounds interesting. Thanks for the tip. :)

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