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RE: Respecting Authority?

in #liberty7 years ago

I agree, there's no justification whatsoever to lend any authority to any external agent to interfere with the exercise of anyone's free expression of their innate rights of action.
I hope you can detect a soupcon of sarcasm here (and apologies I don't have the proper diacritical on my keyboard).
I am VERY opposed to unregulated action by those in positions of authority, including the police- but there's some small hope established law moderates their predictable excesses, where there's almost none when the seriously addicted and intoxicated are given, or simply take, free rein.
From personal experience of frequent occurrence in my business, the first eventuality is difficult but navigable and hasn't led to personal injury or substantial financial damages over nearly 50 years of business life (and some of that business life was in flagrant disregard of the prevailing law back in the day)- but there's nothing like some drunk fuck or speedballer junkie holding a sawn-off shotgun a foot away from your face, covering your wife and baby, to realize there are very, very many in the world who clearly don't accept, whether they possess "a clear understanding of individual rights" or not, anything except the "authority" their weapon enables. That sort of thing happens nearly every week in small-town America.
It's a terrible problem some police, administrators, and legislators operate in the same manner, but it's not that common. It does appear to be escalating greatly in the past few years alone, however much the US has been trending to an integrated police state since the 1950s, but it's still not common.
"We, the People" actually proclaimed government at all levels somewhere along the line. You can disagree with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as amended and elaborated over the past 240 years (I assume you're in the US), just as I do in details- and if we can come up with a workable, agreeable alternative to interest enough people, we could then offer a different social contract and operate within its strictures, but we actually need that kind of agreement, and it needs both formal declaration and SOME kind of immediate situational control mechanism (it's called police power now, but I'd love to see some kind of alternative, given its present defects).
My suspicion is, between only the two of us, let alone the many millions who SHOULD be engaged in the discussion, we wouldn't be able to progress beyond statements of principle to engineer any actual, substantially foundational agreement.


So whatcha think, dude?

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