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in #liberty6 years ago


The recent death of Charles Manson left me pondering.

As a result of this pondering, I realized I would have preferred a President Charles Manson over a President Hillary Clinton.

I have no use for presidents, and I most certainly don't support Trump. However, I am still convinced Hillary would have been much, much worse. So much worse that I'm positive even Charles Manson (assuming he did what he was convicted of doing) would have been better.

After all, everyone knew he was crazy, so there wouldn't have been too many people openly supporting whatever agenda he would have been pushing. He was also old and in poor health, so there was a good chance of him dying instead of finishing his term- as it so happened. Probably... assuming his presidential health care didn't extend his horrible life.

Now, might all those points also mean he would have been a better president than Trump? Maybe. All I know is that dead presidents are the best presidents. At least, they can't hurt anyone anymore, unless evil idiots continue to enforce the opinions they imposed while alive. But at that point, it's the fault of the evil idiots who continue to enforce the opinions of corpses, rather than being the fault of the corpse where the opinion originated. Don't blame a corpse for the evil actions of the living.

But, isn't it bizarre to think how bad politicians must be to make Charles Manson seem a thinkable alternative?


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you're right and you're wrong.

You're right about the Hildebeast..the vile evil one (Benghazi!)
ANYTHING would have been better than it.
That's why I voted against it.

As for Trump?
You're wrong there.
He's DOING a pretty good job.
Lookit the economy..foreign relations.
it's all a PLUS
compared to what it was during Obama's Reign of Error
and certainly better than it would have been under the Hildebeast.

He is makeing progress, however slowly. But then the "swamp" is a very deep pool from all reports.
The obstacles are numerous. #followthewhiterabbit on twitter and see some of it

Everyone...except the folks who voted for him....over 65 million people (and no..the Hildebeast did NOT get the popular vote..that's a lie...and a great many of the votes Idid get were fraudulant) support him.
The polls are a lie to..they over sample democrats and rinos.

The polls are clearly rigged, how else could they have been so wrong. Shot themselves in the foot IMHO.
Main stream media are "owned" so hard to get a straight story from there, no wonder so many are "confused" / "unsure".
But then politics can be very divisive on society, which I think it the actual intent.
Until we (the people) wake up & realise it is NOT rep vs Dem, it is "THEM" (the elites) vs "US" (the people) then all we can do is eat popcorn. But the Awakening seems to be happening now. Hopefully it a) won't be long, and b) won't get violent in the streets.

it's more complex than that
(isn't it always?)

Yes I'm getting a good feel for 'complexity' via #followthewhiterabbit on twitter.
Every few minutes another 'somebody' either quits or gets exposed.

it looks like something really big is about to drop soon....maybe this week?

expect another mass shooting.
it always happens when the swamp dwellers get scared.

As in a Vegas type thing?
or another Van + knife + ali baba thing?
yea it's sad that these asshats think they can get away with it.

If they can take soros down, maybe that will take out a head guy/orgainser. He moved a lot of $$ the other day, maybe he is expecting a visit?

The lesser of two evils is still evil. And the "lesser" part is still conjecture.

I haven't seen anything evil about Trump.
He's done a FINE job.

what has President Trump DONE that you don't approve of?

Basically everything, and the authority he claims is illegitimate in the first place.

be more specific
how do you figure he illigit?

How do you figure he is legit?

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