Raw meat, meat sashimi, meat sushi, what should I call it? [육회? 육사시미? 생고기?]

in #kr7 years ago


처가가 전라도 광주인 제게 처가방문은 언제나 맛있는 먹거리를 먹을 수 있는 기쁜일입니다.

It is a joy to visit my wife's home town Jeolla-do Gwangju because there is a lot of delicious food.

광주에서 즐길 수 있는 많은 먹거리 중 제게 으뜸은 '생고기'입니다.
부드러운 육감과 풍부한 맛은 정말 먹는 사람에게 만족감을 줍니다.

Among the many foods I can enjoy in Gwangju, my favorite is 'raw meat'.
Tenderness and rich taste really give people satisfaction.


저는 광주에 오기전에는 '생고기'란 음식을 먹어본 적이 한번도 없었습니다.
사실은 어떻게 고기를 익히지도 않고 먹을 수 있는지가 의심이었습니다.

Before I came to Gwangju I had never eaten 'raw meat'.
In fact, it was doubtful how to eat meat without cook meat on fire.

그러나 '생고기'의 실제 맛은 황홀함 그 자체였습니다.
고기를 바로 생으로 먹기에 재료가 신선하여야해서 도축장에서 바로 나온 고기로 만든 생고기는 정말 최고의 식감을 자랑스럽게 저의 입에 보여주었습니다.

However, the actual taste of 'raw meat' was ecstatic itself.
Because the meat is fresh and the ingredients are so fresh, the raw meat from the slaughterhouse has really proudly displayed the best texture in my mouth.


육회와는 분명한 차별을 두는 생고기는 그만의 매력을 내포한 음식입니다.
한국적이고 또한 그 맛에 자긍심을 느낄 수 있었습니다.

Raw meat, which has a clear difference from meat, is a food with its charm.
It was Korean and I could feel the pride in the taste.

저의 주관적인 느낌보다 훨씬 정리된 내용으로 다음의 글을 추가합니다.

I add the following article in a much more organized way than my subjective feelings.

육회의 일종이지만 일반적인 육회와는 다르다. 기본적인 개념은 육회와는 달리 쇠고기로 만든 회에 가깝다.

전라도 쪽에서는 주로 생고기라고 불리며, 대구 부근에서는 뭉티기라고 불리기도 한다. 그러나 그 외 지역에서는 일반적으로 육사시미라고 통칭되는 모양. 일부 언론에서는 생육회라고 지칭하고도 있다.

It is a kind of sardine, but it is different from ordinary sardine. Unlike minced meat, the basic concept is more like a bowl made of beef.

It is called "raw meat" in Jeolla province, and it is sometimes called "lump" in the vicinity of Daegu. In other areas, however, the shape is commonly referred to as " In some media, it is also referred to as a growing society.


Thank you @irawandedy nim.
Your comment is a force to me.

Hello how are you my friend

It does not matter if you choose a name for the food. The most important thing is to have good food
Many countries use raw meat in food .Raw meat generally refers to any type of uncooked muscle tissue of an animal used for food. In the meat production industry, the term ‘meat’ refers specifically to mammalian flesh, while the words ‘poultry’ and ‘seafood’ are used to differentiate between the tissue of birds and aquatic creatures

My friend, thanks to you, I do not know many English words yet, I learned English.
For example, mammalian flesh, poultry.
Steemit has the opportunity to study English
I can talk to a friend like you through Google and both of them are good for me.

Hello my friend

I also do not speak English well
Some times this translator is used

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