Artificial sweeteners: What is the catch?

in #keto3 years ago

The sweeteners "diet" promises to be low in calories and to help reduce you.

Actually, the other is true. And why are the results? Frankly, dangerous. These are synthetic sweeteners
to avoid and healthier alternatives.

Why artificial sweeteners were invented, and they are used today
Almost everyone likes sweets at least one degree or another. (In fact, many people will say they are our
greatest desire). It is often so that artificial sweeteners were invented: to sweeten food without increasing
their calorie value. The saccharin was primarily in 1886, and since then many other variations have
appeared. Sugar and artificial sweeteners are also not so secret that the uses of the food industry that
we use to eat, we will all be sweet for us. Artificial sweeteners are much sweeter than sugar, so it takes
only to form a small amount of a sweet addictive food, but because the ingredients listed according to the
weight, the list of, for example, the sucralose (Splenda® brand) in the last place where normally not their
eyebrows light. To a particular level, known as the point of rescue, sweeter the food we eat, more than
most people want to eat.

How sugar works

Sugar shelter under dozens of names and formulas, including agave, evaporating sugarcane juice,
concentrating fruit (which is especially popular in "organic" and "natural" food markets, honey, syrup, also
as a high fructose wheat syrup. Instant energy for you body. In the opposite tasting, sweet tasting plants
are safe to eat for the vast majority of individuals, because they contain fructose, a special type of sugar.
For most human history, the food was scarce and energy-rich food was even scarce, so our brain adapted
to reality by telling us that we ate more of something sweet. And our brain responds that way, although
most people have quick access to a large amount of dense calorie foods. Once we are saturated, our
bodies usually send signs to the brain that we had enough to eat and it's time to prevent. How artificial
sweeteners interrupt that artificial sweetener are an attempt to own our cake and eat it, but our bodies
do not look like this.

Your brain associates’ sugar with calories, or energy, can use your body. But artificial sweeteners have a
very low-calorie value: when their brain knows the sweetness and waits calories, but does not inform their
body, "Yes, this lovely meal is high in calories," his brain said? What are the calories? Aren't there calories?
It's time to stop the metabolism and eat more food!

The results? 0 Calories ≠ 0 effect on insulin levels aspartame (sold under the names of such brands as
equal and NutraSweet®)

is the hottest artificial sweetener in the US. U and its 90% phenylalanine amino acids, two amino acids.
Once you eat food that contains aspartame, your body metabolizes fast that aspect aspartame to
phenylalanine and amino acid, which is quickly known to stimulate its insulin production. Insulin, of

course, strip of blood glucose to store it as a list of energy in the muscles and liver (glycogen) or as a long-
term reserve (fat). Insulin increases mean that this glucose goes on the way to fat, so it is hungry. 0 Calories

≠ 0 effect on your health, your waist or your weight

In this study, rats fed the yogurt sweetened by artificially they have eaten more and have more weight,
especially fat, if rats with yogurt sweetened with glucose. [1] And while those were rats, when people
drank 1 or 2 carbonate cans full of sugar every day, they increase their risk of overweight or obesity by
33% in 7 to eight years. But those who drank the same amount of "diet" drinks their risk by 65%. [2]
Another study, this in the mice, found that when they fed aspartame, sacraline or sucralose [3], which
blood sugar levels significantly higher than mice they ate without sugar smooth or sugar. Then the bowel
bacteria of the mice were transplanted in the sweetener to the mice, they never eaten sweeteners and it
was raised so that they did not have intestinal bacteria. Quickly developed higher levels of blood glucose.
Then the researchers investigated the connection of intestinal bacteria in non-diabetic people involving
artificial sweeteners and people who did not.

Those who ate artificial sweeteners (and drank) had significantly different gut bacteria and were more
vulnerable to glucose intolerance, than those who did not. Within the final phase, they were asked to ate
7 volunteers who did not eat artificial sweeteners, with high levels of those sweeteners. It only took 4
days for 4 of these volunteers, 57%, to develop higher levels of blood sugar and populations of changing
intestinal bacteria. Many times, we tell ourselves: "I had a diet soft drink so you can eat a real ice cream,
and more of it." But if we have eaten, let's say, a perfect sugar root beer habit, most people simply eat,
or a little, they had a bigger one as a rare indulgence. In fact, he didn't even need a big one on Wednesday
because our bodies would see the calorie value of that sugar. The reasons for this go far beyond the
devastation of artificial sullenators, their metabolism can cause their metabolism. Most artificial
sweeteners are much sweeter than sugar: Aspartame is 180 times sweeter than sugar, Sacharine 300
times, and sucralose (Splenda® brand) 600 times.
They even believe a natural sweet food, do not look sweet enough, so we need more and more sweet
foods to satisfy our natural taste for sugar. This habituation can be a classic addiction, and in fact, people
who try to reduce their intake of artificial sweeteners can suffer withdrawal. Aspartame also affects the
amount of chemical serotonin in the brain, which occurs from carbohydrates, especially glucose, a sugar
that is the preferred energy source of the brain. Aspartame is linked to mood swings and depression due
to depressed serotonin levels, as well as cravings, and then dock in an effort to rebalance serotonin levels.

Everyone needs a sweet gift now, because sweets are just a pure joy for the mouth. And so, the truth is
that reasonable amounts of sugar generally do not damage their waist or their health. (If it's a diabetic,
ask your health care service provider).

The reasonable keys. The World Association of the World Association recommended the daily amount of
sugar (including natural sound sugars such as "fruit juice concentrate"): 25 grams a day, which doubles
slightly lower 6 teaspoons. [4] The average American consumes about 189 grams, or 47 teaspoons, total
sugars and artificial sweeteners every day. [5] It is about 756 calories of sugar every day, and given that
all calories are not created equal, your body will store much of which sugar as fat. This enormous amount
of sugar is, in itself, is the most important thing to think about the metabolic syndrome, leading to disease
of the life of obesity, diabetes and heart condition. And the correct sweeteners can help you come there
... Despite what we have said before, there are no ways. Artificial sweeteners are bad for you because I
deteriorate your normal controls against overeating. Distort the reaction of insulin and intestinal bacteria.
Print brain chemicals, especially serotonin, causing both depression and attractive food. It said, there are
4 relatively natural and non-calorie sweeteners who will help you wean from the mountain of sugar and
artificial sweeteners who are in most of the food we eat.

They are: Sweeter Monkfruit (Monk Monk Fruit within the Han Raw, Nect West®, Han), Stevia Powder /
Liquid / Liquid / Syrup, Eritritol (if its use is generally low; EritriRitol can be a sugar alcohol, which In large
quantities, it can have unwanted gastrointestinal side effects.), or inulin (from the root of chicory). Inulin
has the added benefit of being pre-biotic, meaning that it can help good bowel bacteria and help suppress
appetite. But these sweeteners must be a way to handle sugar needs, as they have exploited the total
sugars and artificial sweeteners. On a day to day, the fruit far away, the simplest thanks to satisfy your
appetite. The fruit has vitamins and minerals and adequate fiber that delays the absorption of sugar in
the bloodstream, so you get a pleasant brightness of energy along the sweet taste. And it is very difficult
for many to eat many fruits that contribute to diabetes or obesity.
The fruit can and it will be a daily lenuation. Despite what the food and beverage industry want us to
create, sugar is not a food. The food is not just sweet: it is terrible, bitter, abundant, spicy, acid, salt,
creamy, salt for a million different combinations. But our thanks for all the wonderful flavors are quenched
by the quantities of sugar similar to food and therefore the overwhelming sweetness of artificial
sweeteners in prepared foods. Sugar? It belongs in sweets; you are quite love that you complete all the
opposite flavors of your meals.


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