Kanye West is Gone: Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

in #kanyewest6 years ago

This first 'part' originally was on Facebook; I like to put some of my more 'controversial takes' here on this platform though. Kanye West is Gone: Truth, is often Stranger than Fiction....

Kanye is gone;

Not sure if it's ... cloning, brainwashing, or what; but he's no longer the College Graduate so many of us grew up on; Something happened along the way; seems like something always happens along the way. our artists, our creators are outspoken leaders, are never just, left alone to their own devices to fully see their own vision through; Seems like eveybody gets coopted. - i know #GetOut was 'just a movie' but that's what always happens with all these 'just a movies' --- they get us thinking oh that's "just a movie" and now we're unable to see the truth in the movie; I still remember how this went down... and hope the rest of you never forget.

Ye was in Sacramento, performing, and went on his 'rants' like he always does; this time something was different; Trump just shocked us all and won it; and sounds like Ye was either, ready to throw the towel in; or warning us that his time was up; telling us who all is "Alive Now" and what not .... that famous "Radio Fuck You" speech .....

Followed by 'dehydration, fainting,' and being 'hospitalized' .... He emerged look like a whole new dude; Literally; Blonde Hair; a Blank Stare on his face; couldn't wait to go meet the new "King", shake his hand, and pose, for a picture ..............

Did they swap his brain out while he was in the hospital?

Did Jay send his goons anyways?

Cold how they got this all set up; Truth, be stranger than Fiction.

In case you 'forgot' some of what was referenced above ... check this out, below.

Kanye West Cloned? Last real message - Radio Fuck You Speech --

Kanye West, sat down with TMZ ... again .... wearing the "MAGA" hat .... all the way gone

Here he talks about STEM, without knowing what STEM even means.

... then again.... maybe there is 'still' some hope; that Ye is 'still inside' ... fighting to overcome what's happened to him; Here's a moment, where Kanye was out meeting with sports programs from the inner city, to help them help more lives.

we will see .........

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