For Everyone Here: What Did You Think of The First Day of The DNC? Personally, I was Absolutely Blown Away by How Genuinely Fantastic it Was.

Almost everyone who spoke at the event did an absolutely incredible job of conveying a far more positive and upbeat beat Democratic Party since Biden dropped out.

I was also very happy to see AOC and Peggy Flanagan speaking there alongside Raphael Warnock and several Civil Rights Activists.

I was also incredibly happy to hear support for a ceasefire in Gaza from tons of the prominent speakers there. It was genuinely heartwarming to hear it getting such positive reception from within the DNC in general.

The constant hammering against Project 2025 was very good to see as well. I am to say the very least absolutely elated it is finally being taken seriously for the massive threat it is to our entire country. The bit with Mallory McMorrow from Michigan especially was absolute comedy gold with the massive Project 2025 book.

What was your favorite part of the first day of the DNC and who were some of your favorite speakers?

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