RE: The whole Banking System is a scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP. The Fractional Banking Experiment will soon be exposed and I am afraid that the results will make the 2008 Financial Crisis feel like a walk in the park.
I will play the Devil's advocate.
While I agree with everything bad (well truth) said about central bankers, I can't really see them being gone any time soon. They are virtually running/ruling the world. Super rich are hiding behind them. Different country legislators are doing what they are told by these powers that be. They are writing their own laws. That's why when you borrow from them they charge you 10-15 or more interests, but when they borrow from you (savings in banks) they well charge you again with negative interest rates. They are in charge, period.
So, say that whole financial world crashes down. Well, they will have an excuse to bring crypto currency into play, on their terms, their crypto currency, with unlimited printing and charging an interest to force you into spending (and prevent saving) for the sake of economy growth. And politicians will be happy to oblige in the name of economy growth.
Since savings will more or less not be allowed any more by negative interest rates, soon if you will want to buy anything bigger, you will be forced to use loan with high interests. That's their plan and that's why there is war on cash, and no politician seems to care.