Is Economy About to Crash, or Have I Been Brainwashed?

in #investing6 years ago

The inner conflict continues between investing in real estate VS sitting on cash and waiting for some kind of global financial crisis to occur.

But is the economy REALLY likely to crash or head into a recession anytime soon? Or have I been brainwashed to some extent by the likes of Peter Schiff and other "doomers"?

Let me know what you think!

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. I am just offering my opinions. I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

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No need to hurry. Do not succumb to FOMO. Don't buy at the top. If you wait for a year or two, you will be able to enter the housing market at a much more reasonable price. There doesn't have to be total bloodshed, just a run of the mill correction the kind we had at the turn of the century.

Why not rent but expose yourself partially by buying into a REIT?

I don’t think so. I will give it another 2-3 years.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think that Central Banks will continue to look for ways for elevated level of debt to be sustained without impacting market prices but the fact is that the tools they have are now limited is amount and scale which could cause disruptions to markets. In addition, having a near 10 year bull run is unsustainable given other market factors at play here currently.

Posted using Partiko iOS

nothing we see on the news is is just manipulation. when the recession came 2008 nobody spoke about that on the news before it happened. now they say a financial crisis is close, but is NOT. The Rockefellers owns news channels all over the world.

Bottom picking is very hard...indeed impossible except by blind luck. Conservative dividend yielding equities will eventually give a capital gain and deliver income along the way. Banks and utilities are relatively recession-proof as are companies like Unilever, integrated oil companies etc. Crypto pays no dividend and (although I know you do not believe it) there is a risk of losing it all. Real estate generates income but maintenance costs can kill you and it is sometimes hard work being a landlord. Buy stocks.

The FED began to raise rates slowly. They are still low now and all they can do is go up. As the rates go up more people will be looking at US bonds and will sell stocks.

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