Welcome to steemit, I am new steemian

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Assalamualaikum, sahabat steemit semua😀😀
Semoga kalian dalam keadaan sehat wal'afiat dan selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT, di hari Selasa yang penuh berkah

Ini adalah postingan pertama saya, dalam kesempatan ini saya akan memperkenalkan diri saya terlebih dahulu. Nama saya Wahyuni, sehari- hari saya kuliah di Institut Agama Islam Lhokseumawe, pada jurusan matematika, sekarang saya tengah menjalani program PPL di MAN 5 Aceh Utara.

Saya memang menyukai matematika, makanya saya memilih jurusan matematika ketika kuliah.tapi kadang-kadang matematika itu membuat kita bosan, oleh karena itu saya memilih untuk menekuni hobi saya di waktu senggang seperti merajut, menjahit, menanam bunga, menulis dan lain-lain. Intinya saya melakukan hal yang saya senangi untuk menghilangkan penat saya bergelut dengan matematika.

Saya mengenal steemit ini dari teman PPL saya, @zulfikarkamui , dia memperkenalkan steemit secara tidak sengaja kepada saya. Awalnya saya tidak tertarik namun, setelah saya pelajari saya mulai tertarik karena dalam steemit ini kita dapat saling bertukar informasi, sekaligus membuka wawasan kita, dan yang paling penting dapat menyalurkan hobi saya, yaitu menulis. Semoga steemit benar-benar memberikan efek positif bagi saya.


Assalamualaikum, my steemit Friends
May you be in good health wal'afiat and always in the protection of Allah SWT, on a blessed Tuesday

This is my first post, on this occasion I will introduce myself first. My name is Wahyuni, my daily lecture at the Lhokseumawe Institute of Islamic Studies, majoring in mathematics, now I am undergoing PPL program at MAN 5 North Aceh.

I really like math, so I choose math majors when college. But sometimes math makes us bored, therefore I choose to pursue my hobbies in my spare time such as knitting, sewing, planting flowers, writing and others. The point is I do the things I love to eliminate my tired wrestling with math.

I know this steemit from my PPL friend, @ zulfikarkamui, he introduced the steemit by mistake to me. At first I was not interested but after I learned I became interested because in this steemit we can exchange information, as well as open our insight, and most importantly can channel my hobby, that is writing. Hopefully steemit really gives a positive effect for me.


Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you.
I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

Hi @wahyuni.. Selamat bergabung dengan komunitas steemit. steemit adalah media sosial yang memberi penghargaan kepada Anda melalui posting dan komentar yang menarik. Saya pikir Anda memiliki kemampuan untuk memberikan tulisan yang menarik dalam steemit. pekerjaan bagusmu akan dihargai semoga berhasil. ☺

Amin, terima kasih atas dukungannya ashfia, semoga jita dapat berteman baik😃😃

Welcome to the steemit community from me @adimulyadi from indonesia, @wahyuni hope what you share and post is available in this steemit paltfrom. do not be saturated to work through every input available and get paid according to your work. welcome my return

Hey , how are you ?
welcome to steemit @wahyumi
following you now. :D
follow me back pls.

Hi @ thank you for sharing your journey. I've upvoted and followed you It'd be awesome if you Follow me back @john-unasa :)

Hi @ thank you for sharing your journey. I've upvoted and followed you It'd be awesome if you Follow me back @john-unasa :)

welcome wahyuni. hope youl will find your success in this community :)

Hai, helo @wahyuni.. Selamat join di Steemit! Suka anda join.. upvote yaa.. ;^)

Nice wahyuni , we are really grateful that you are already on board, followed you so i can see your quality articles, may you keep on steeming.

@wahyuni hello let welcome you on board steemit is a great experience hope you enjoy it, found this article helpful if you want to get more followers fast using steemfollower , hope it helps you add more followers https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@joendegz/steemfollower-the-easiest-way-to-get-followers
or go to this link
and click on "exchange" on the drop down menu click on "follow exchange"

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