Shalat Eclipse and Tata Caranya

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Basically praying the eclipse of the sun and lunar eclipses are both called kusuf and also khusuf at a time. But famous among scholars the use of the term khusuf for lunar eclipse and kusuf for the solar eclipse.

Kusuf is an event where the sunlight disappears either partially or totally during the day because it is blocked by the moon that travels between the earth and the sun. While Khusuf is an event where the moonlight disappears either partially or in total at night because it is blocked by the shadow of the earth because of the position of the moon which is behind the earth and the sun.

Prayers of the eclipse are sunnah muakkadah prayers established in Islamic law as the scholars have agreed. The law of the circumcision of the eclipse prayer is based on the word of Allah SWT ... meaning And of some of His signs is the existence of night and day and the existence of the sun and the moon. Do not bow to the sun or the moon but prostrate to Allah Who Created both. (Surah Fushshilat: 37). The purpose of the command of Allah SWT to prostrate to Who Created the sun and the moon is the command to do the sun eclipse and lunar eclipse.

In As-Sunnah Rasulullah SAW said, it means ... Verily the sun and the moon are a sign of the signs of Allah SWT. Both are not eclipses due to the death of a person or his birth. If you find an eclipse, then pray and pray until the phenomenon is over. (Bukhari, Muslim and Ahmad) There are also other hadiths, that is ... When the sun has eclipses in the time of the Prophet SAW, people are called prayers with lafaz : As-shalatu jamiah ". (Narrated by Bukhari).

Based on the above verse and hadith the eclipse prayer is prescribed to anyone, whether in the state of muqim in his country or in a state of sapphire, whether for men or for women. Or ordered to the people who are obliged to perform the Friday prayers.

However, the position of this prayer is not up to the obligatory degree, because in another hadith mentioned that there is no obligation other than praying only time liam. The scholars distinguish between the law of the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse.

The scholars have generally agreed to say that the sun's solar eclipse shari'ah sunnah muakkadah, except Al-Hanafiyah mazbah which says the law is mandatory. Jumhur ulama of the Al-Malikiyah School, As-Syafi'iyah and Al-Malikiyah determined that the sun's solar eclipse is sunnah muakkad.

While the Al-Hanafiyah School believes that the obligatory solar eclipse shalat is obligatory. While in the law of lunar eclipse prayer, the opinion of the scholars split into three kinds, between which say hukah hasanah, mandubah and sunnah muakkadah.

Hasanah, Al-Hanafiyah School view that the lunar eclipse prayer hasanah. The Mandate of the Al-Malikiyah school of thought holds that the law of the lunar eclipse is mandatory. Sunnah Muakkadah, School of As-Syafi'iyah and Al-Hanabilah argue that the law of the lunar eclipse is sunnah muakkadah.Implementation

Shalat Eclipse

  1. Congregation. Praying the eclipse of the sun and the moon is done in congregation, because first Rasulullah SAW do it in congregation in the mosque.

  2. Without Adhan and Iqamat. The eclipse prayer is performed without preceding the azan or iqamat. All that is left is a call to prayer with lafaz "As-Shalatu Jamiah".

  3. Sirr and Jahr. But this prayer may also be done with sirr (lowering the voice) or with jahr (hardening).

  4. Bath. Also disunnahkan for sunnah bath before performing eclipse prayer, because this prayer is disunnahkan to do with congregation

  5. Khutbah. In the opinion of As-Syafi'iyah, in the eclipse prayer is prescribed for the sermon delivered in it. His sermons are like the sermons of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha as well as the Friday sermon.

In the sermon the Prophet recommended to repent of sin and to work virtue with charity, prayer and istighfar (ask forgiveness). While Al-Malikiyah said that in this prayer it is given to be given a warning (al-wa'zh) to the pilgrims present after the prayer, but not the formal form of sermon in the pulpit. Al-Hanafiyah and Al-Hanabilah also do not say that in the eclipse prayer there is a khutbah, because the talk of the Prophet (s) after the prayer is considered by them just to give an explanation about it.

6.Many Pray, Dhikr, Takbir and Alms.

Disunnahkan if coming eclipse to reproduce prayers, dhikr, takbir and alms, in addition to the eclipse itself. When you watch it then pray to Allah, bertakbir, prayer and charity. (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

Procedures Implementation

To facilitate the understanding, the procedure of eclipse Prayer will be explained in the following sequence;

  1. Intention. Simply deliberate in the heart, not to be pronounced.

  2. Takbiratul ihram.

  3. Read a prayer iftitah. Iftitah prayer is read freely, can choose a short, mid or long as long as it is based on a saheeh history. Iftitah prayer is read slowly.

  4. Read Ta'awudz. Ta'awudz also read slowly.

  5. Read the letter of Al-Fatihah. Surat Al-Fatihah is read aloud.

  6. Read the letter. If able to read the letter of Al-Baqoroh or another letter of approximately the same length. If you can not afford the letter of Al-Baqoroh, then freely choose another letter, either long or short.

  7. Ruku '. Ruku 'done with the old, roughly as long as people read 100 verses. The recitation of the Tasbih when Rukuk is free as long as it is based on a saheeh history.

  8. I'tidal. At this time, Tasmi's reading is pronounced.

  9. Read the second Al-Fatihah. Finish reading Bag 'hand is disedekapkan again and read Al-Fatihah for the second time. This is what distinguishes the ordinary Salat. If at the regular Salat after I'tidal directly Sujud, then on the Eclipse Prayer after I'tidal stand again to read.

  10. Read the letter. If able to read the letter of Ali Imran or another letter of approximately the same length. If you can not afford the letter of Ali Imran, then freely choose another letter either long or short.

  11. Ruku '. Ruku 'is done with old, but shorter than the first Rukuk. The recitation of the Tasbih when Rukuk is free as long as it is based on a saheeh history.

  12. I'tidal. At this time, Tasmi's reading is pronounced.

  13. Prostration. After I'tidal and Tasmi 'reading, Sujud was directly performed. Prostration is also cultivated for a long time. Prostration is done twice which is interrupted sitting between two Sujud as regular Salat.

  14. Stand from Sujud to perform the second Rokaat. In this second Rokaat is done exactly the same as the first Rokaat, it's just shorter duration of time. Al-Fatihah and letters are read, then Rukuk, then I'tidal then read again Al-Fatihah and the letter then Rukuk then I'tidal. As in the first Rokaat performed twice standing and twice Rukuk, then on this second Rokaat also performed twice standing and twice Rukuk

  15. Prostration. After I'tidal, then the movement continued with Sujud twice that interrupted sitting between two Sujud. The prostration of the second Rakaat is also long, but shorter than the prostration in the first Rakaat. And to 16. Regards

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